eng:used after a numeral-classifier(-noun) phrase; approximately; about; around
yue:一百蚊到 (jat1 baak3 man1 dou2)
eng:approximately a hundred dollars
yue:二十個人到 (ji6 sap6 go3 jan4 dou2)
eng:about twenty people
yue:四十歲到 (sei3 sap6 seoi3 dou2)
eng:around forty years old
yue:「我哋個表演幾點開始呀?」「唔知呀,我諗兩點到啦,要睇下前一個表演會唔會超時先知。」 (ngo5 dei6 go3 biu2 jin2 gei2 dim2 hoi1 ci2 aa3? m4 zi1 aa3, ngo5 nam2 loeng5 dim2 dou2 laa1, jiu3 tai2 haa5 cin4 jat1 go3 biu2 jin2 wui5 m4 wui5 ciu1 si4 sin1 zi1.)
eng:"When will the next show begin?" "I don't know. It may begin at about two, depending on whether the previous one runs over time or not."
eng:so ... that; to the extent that; to a point that
yue:樣衰到極 (joeng2 seoi1 dou3 gik6)
eng:extremely embarrassing
yue:#膠 到 #核爆 (gaau1 dou3 hat6 baau3)
eng:extremely stupid
yue:凍到震 (dung3 dou3 zan3)
eng:shivering cold
yue:做到阿媽都唔認得 (zou6 dou3 aa3 maa1 dou1 m4 jing6 dak1)
eng:to have worked to a point that one cannot recognise his mother (i.e. extremely busy)
yue:佢講嘢悶到所有人瞓着晒。 (keoi5 gong2 je5 mun6 dou3 so2 jau5 jan4 fan3 zoek6 saai3.)
eng:It's so boring when he talks that everyone has fallen asleep.
yue:用嚟量度#温度,適用於#攝氏 同#華氏
eng:quantifier for degrees of temperature
yue:攝氏二十度即係華氏六十八度。 (sip3 si6 ji6 sap6 dou6 zik1 hai6 waa6 si6 luk6 sap6 baat3 dou6.)
eng:Twenty degrees Celsius is equivalent to sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
yue:水一百度就會滾。 (seoi2 jat1 baak3 dou6 zau6 wui5 gwan2.)
eng:Water boils at a hundred degrees.
eng:quantifier for angular degrees
yue:直角係九十度。 (zik6 gok3 hai6 gau2 sap6 dou6.)
eng:A right angle is ninety degrees.
yue:香港大約喺北緯廿二度,東經一百一十四度。 (hoeng1 gong2 daai6 joek3 hai2 bak1 wai5 jaa6 ji6 dou6, dung1 ging1 jat1 baak3 jat1 sap6 sei3 dou6.)
eng:Hong Kong is approximately at 22°N 114°E.
eng:quantifier for degrees of refractive errors, where 100 degrees represents -1 dioptre of lens correction
yue:成千度近視,唔配眼鏡好難睇得清楚。 (seng4 cin1 dou6 gan6 si6, m4 pui3 ngaan5 geng2 hou2 naan4 tai2 dak1 cing1 co2.)
eng:It's hard to see clearly with myopia of -10 (dioptres) without glasses.
eng:quantifier for events
yue:一年一度 (jat1 nin4 jat1 dou6)
eng:once a year
yue:兩度當選 (loeng5 dou6 dong1 syun2)
eng:to be elected twice
yue:#再度 (zoi3 dou6)
eng:quantifier for the volume ratio of an alcohol solution
yue:支酒成五十幾度好掯。 (zi1 zau2 seng4 ng5 sap6 gei2 dou6 hou2 kang3.)
eng:This liquor has an ABV over 50 and tastes so strong.
yue:酒精搓手液通常係七十至八十度。 (zau2 zing1 co1 sau2 jik6 tung1 soeng4 hai6 cat1 sap6 zi3 baat3 sap6 dou6.)
eng:Hand sanitizers usually contain 70% to 80% of alcohol.
eng:quantifier for the sun protection factor of sunscreen
yue:搽支50 度嘅太陽油先。 (caa4 zi1 ng5 sap6 dou6 ge3 taai3 joeng4 jau4 sin1)
eng:Let me apply some SPF 50 sunscreen.
eng:quantifier for music intervals
yue:#八度 (baat3 dou6)
eng:quantifier for spatial dimensions
yue:#維度 (wai4 dou6)
eng:temporal or spatial dimension
yue:三度空間 (saam1 dou6 hung1 gaan1)
eng:three dimensional space
yue:每小時1000 watt 用電量
eng:1kWh of electricity usage
eng:1kl of water usage
yue:醫療過程中對病人所提供#氧氣 嘅體積單位,等同每分鐘一升純氧氣
eng:quantifier for the amount of oxygen used in medication, litre of oxygen per minute (LPM)
eng:place; spot; boundaries; sphere of an activity or a state
yue:#呢度 (ni1 dou6)
yue:#嗰度 (go2 dou6)
yue:#喺度 (hai2 dou6)
eng:being; doing; literally: at this spot/place
yue:#邊度 (bin1 dou6)
yue:將啲花生同糖擺埋同一度先。 (zoeng1 di1 faa1 sang1 tung4 tong4 baai2 maai4 tung4 jat1 dou6 sin1.)
eng:Put the peanuts and candies together.
yue:另一度先有得影印。 (ling6 jat1 dou6 sin1 jau5 dak1 jing2 jan3.)
eng:You can photocopy only in another place/location.
yue:我哋兩度都想去。 (ngo5 dei6 loeng5 dou6 dou1 soeng2 heoi3.)
eng:We want to go to both places.
yue:好多度都錯咗喎。 (hou2 do1 dou6 dou1 co3 zo2 wo3.)
eng:Well, there are many mistakes.
yue:死啦,揾勻咁多度都唔見啊。 (sei2 laa1, wan2 wan4 gam3 do1 dou6 dou1 m4 gin3 aa3.)
eng:Oh dear, we've looked for so many places but still cannot find it.
yue:你件褸喺我度。 (nei5 gin6 lau1 hai2 ngo5 dou6.)
eng:Your coat is kept by me.
yue:呢個例子我喺書度見過㗎。 (ni1 go3 lai6 zi2 ngo5 hai2 syu1 dou6 gin3 gwo3 gaa3.)
eng:I saw this example in the book.
yue:我漏咗個銀包喺小巴度。 (ngo5 lau6 zo2 go3 ngan4 baau1 hai2 siu2 baa1 dou6.)
eng:I left my purse on the minibus.
yue:雪櫃度仲有支啤酒。 (syut3 gwai6 dou6 zung6 jau5 zi1 be1 zau2.)
eng:There is still a bottle of beer in the refrigerator.
yue:阿輝隻腳度有個紋身。 (aa3 fai1 zek3 goek3 dou6 jau5 go3 man4 san1.)
eng:There is a tattoo on Fai's leg.
yue:大時大節,度度都好多人。 (daai6 si4 daai6 zit3, dou6 dou6 dou1 hou2 do1 jan4.)
eng:Crowds are everywhere at festivals.
yue:本簿度畫咗好多火柴人。 (bun2 bou2 dou6 waak6 zo2 hou2 do1 fo2 caai4 jan4.)
eng:Many figures of matches are drawn on the book.
yue:疊紙收埋喺啲快勞度。 (daap6 zi2 sau1 maai4 hai2 di1 faai1 lou2 dou6.)
eng:The paper is stored in the folders.
yue:筆車馬費梗係要計返落開支條數度啦。 (bat1 ce1 maa5 fai3 gang2 hai6 jiu3 gai3 faan1 lok6 hoi1 zi1 tiu4 sou3 dou6 laa1.)
eng:The honorarium should indeed be a part of our expenditure.
yue:間廟個銅像度刻咗字。 (gaan1 miu2 go3 tung4 zoeng6 dou6 haak1 zo2 zi6.)
eng:Words are inscribed on the bronze statue in the temple.
yue:牀度啲公仔你㗎? (cong4 dou6 di1 gung1 zai2 nei5 gaa4?)
eng:Are the dolls on the bed yours?
yue:電視度啲疆屍唔係好得人驚啫。 (din6 si6 dou6 di1 goeng1 si1 m4 hai6 hou2 dak1 jan4 geng1 ze1,)
eng:Vampires on TV aren't really scary.
yue:佢哋有合作開,默契喺返晒度。 (keoi5 dei6 jau5 hap6 zok3 hoi1, mak6 kai3 hai2 faan1 saai3 dou6.)
eng:They have been cooperating and still have tacit understanding.
eng:to measure
yue:我要度下個衣櫃有幾高。 (ngo5 jiu3 dok6 haa5 go3 ji1 gwai6 jau5 gei2 gou1.)
eng:I have to measure the height of the wardrobe.
yue:我攞條裙出嚟度下,發現唔係好啱身。 (ngo5 lo2 tiu4 kwan4 ceot1 lai4 dok6 haa5, faat3 jin6 m4 hai6 hou2 aam1 san1.)
eng:I measured the dress against myself and found that it didn't fit me.
eng:to devise; to work out; to ponder
yue:#度橋 (dok6 kiu2)
eng:to weigh ideas
yue:度條計仔 (dok6 tiu4 gai2 zai2)
eng:to think of a way
yue:諗過度過 (nam2 gwo3 dok6 gwo3)
eng:to think deeply
yue:佢度緊套戲嘅劇本。 (keoi5 dok6 gan2 tou3 hei3 ge3 kek6 bun2.)
eng:He's working on the film script.
eng:to lend or borrow, especially money
yue:你可唔可以度住五嚿水俾我啊? (nei5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 dok6 zyu6 ng5 gau6 seoi2 bei2 ngo5 aa3?)
eng:Can you lend me $500?
eng:to arrive; to reach; to come; to be present
yue:你到咗香港之後打個電話俾我吖。 (nei5 dou3 zo2 hoeng1 gong2 zi1 hau6 daa2 go3 din6 waa2 bei2 ngo5 aa1.)
eng:Give me a call when you arrive in Hong Kong.
yue:嗰晚你唔知你到唔到?咩唔知啫,一係到一係唔到。 (go2 maan5 nei5 m4 zi1 nei5 dou3 m4 dou3? me1 m4 zi1 zek1, jat1 hai6 dou3 jat1 hai6 m4 dou3.)
eng:What do you mean you're not sure if you'll be there that night? It's either a yes or a no.
yue:聖誕節就到嘞。 (sing3 daan3 zit3 zau6 dou3 laak3.)
eng:Christmas has almost arrived.
yue:時間到嘞。 (si4 gaan3 dou3 laak3.)
eng:Time's up.
eng:to go to; to leave for
yue:佢將會喺下個月到南非訪問。 (keoi5 zoeng1 wui5 hai2 haa6 go3 jyut6 dou3 naam4 fei1 fong2 man6.)
eng:He will visit South Africa next month.
eng:used after verbs as complements to indicate the successful completion or the result of an action
yue:我收到一封信。 (ngo5 sau1 dou2 jat1 fung1 seon3.)
eng:I've received a letter.
yue:我周圍揾枝筆,但係都揾唔到。 (ngo5 zau1 wai4 wan2 zi1 bat1, daan6 hai6 dou1 wan2 m4 dou2.)
eng:I looked everywhere for the pen, but I couldn't find it.
yue:我乜都聽唔到。 (ngo5 mat1 dou1 teng1 m4 dou2.)
eng:I can't hear anything.
yue:我睇到你。 (ngo5 tai2 dou2 nei5.)
eng:I can see you.
yue:我諗到啲嘢。 (ngo5 nam2 dou2 di1 je5.)
eng:I've thought of something.
yue:我諗到買咩做手信喇。 (ngo5 nam2 dou2 maai5 me1 zou6 sau2 seon3 laa3.)
eng:I've thought of what I should buy for souvenirs.
yue:向#後 或者#反轉
eng:to reverse; to move backwards; to turn upside down; to invert
yue:#打倒褪 (daa2 dou3 tan3)
eng:to go backwards; to worsen
yue:#倒轉 (dou3 zyun3)
eng:to invert; to turn upside down
yue:將#錄影帶、#卡式帶 扭返去前啲、早啲嘅部份
eng:to rewind a cassette or VHS tape
yue:你要將餅帶倒返去最前嗰度。 (nei5 jiu3 zoeng1 beng2 daai2 dou3 faan1 heoi3 zeoi3 cin4 go2 dou6.)
eng:You have to rewind the tape to the beginning.
eng:until; up to
yue:一點到三點 (jat1 dim2 dou3 saam1 dim2)
eng:from 1 o'clock to 3 o'clock
yue:條龍排到尖沙咀呀。 (tiu4 lung4 paai4 dou3 zim1 saa1 zeoi2 aa3.)
eng:The queue goes all the way to Tsim Sha Tsui.
yue:由而家到暑假完,我都可以霸佢間房。 (jau4 ji4 gaa1 dou3 syu2 gaa3 jyun4, ngo5 dou1 ho2 ji5 baa3 keoi5 gaan1 fong2.)
eng:I can occupy her room from now till the end of this summer holiday.
yue:A到Z總共有幾多個字母? (ei1 dou3 set1 zung2 gung6 jau5 gei2 do1 go3 zi6 mou5?)
eng:How many letters are there from A to Z?
eng:denotes extent or degree when placed after related adjectives
yue:#長度 (coeng4 dou6)
yue:#高度 (gou1 dou6)
yue:#闊度 (fut3 dou6)
yue:#硬度 (ngaang6 dou6)
yue:#濕度 (sap1 dou6)
yue:#密度 (mat6 dou6)
yue:酸度 (syun1 dou6)
yue:#制度 (zai3 dou6)
yue:#尺度 (cek3 dou6)
yue:荒淫無度 (fong1 jam4 mou4 dou6)
eng:self-indulgent without limit
yue:#過度 (gwo3 dou6)
yue:#置之度外 (zi3 zi1 dou6 ngoi6)
eng:to leave something out of consideration
yue:#風度 (fung1 dou6)
eng:manner of behaviour
yue:#態度 (taai3 dou6)
yue:大度 (daai6 dou6)
eng:to be tolerant
yue:#氣度 (hei3 dou6)
eng:(textile industry jargon) (vertical) length
yue:#封度 (fung1 dou2)
eng:width and length
yue:#短度闊封 (dyun2 dou2 fut3 fung1)
eng:short in length and wide in width
yue:呢塊布個度係8呎。 (ni1 faai3 bou3 go3 dou2 hai6 baat3 cek3)
eng:This cloth is 8 feet in length.