
第 #1 條
讀音: dou6
詞性: 量詞
  1. (廣東話) 用嚟量度温度,適用於攝氏華氏
    (英文) quantifier for degrees of temperature
    (粵) sip3si6ji6sap6dou6zik1hai6waa6si6luk6sap6baat3dou6
    (英) Twenty degrees Celsius is equivalent to sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
    (粵) seoi2jat1baak3dou6zau6wui5gwan2
    (英) Water boils at a hundred degrees.

  2. (廣東話) 用嚟量度角度
    (英文) quantifier for angular degrees
    (粵) zik6gok3hai6gau2sap6dou6
    (英) A right angle is ninety degrees.
    (粵) hoeng1gong2daai6joek3hai2bak1wai5廿jaa6ji6dou6dung1ging1jat1baak3jat1sap6sei3dou6
    (英) Hong Kong is approximately at 22°N 114°E.

  3. (廣東話) 視力強度嘅單位
    (英文) quantifier for degrees of refractive errors, where 100 degrees represents -1 dioptre of lens correction
    (粵) seng4cin1dou6gan6si6m4pui3ngaan5geng2hou2naan4tai2dak1cing1co2
    (英) It's hard to see clearly with myopia of -10 (dioptres) without glasses.

  4. (廣東話) 事件嘅量詞;
    (英文) quantifier for events
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) jat1nin4jat1dou6
    (英) once a year
    (粵) loeng5dou6dong1syun2
    (英) to be elected twice
    (粵) 再度zoi3 dou6
    (英) again

  5. (廣東話) 酒精溶液嘅體積比例
    (英文) quantifier for the volume ratio of an alcohol solution
    (粵) zi1zau2seng4ng5sap6gei2dou6hou2kang3
    (英) This liquor has an ABV over 50 and tastes so strong.
    (粵) zau2zing1co1sau2jik6tung1soeng4hai6cat1sap6zi3baat3sap6dou6
    (英) Hand sanitizers usually contain 70% to 80% of alcohol.

  6. (廣東話) 太陽油效能
    (英文) quantifier for the sun protection factor of sunscreen
    (粵) caa4zi150ng5 sap6dou6ge3taai3joeng4jau4sin1
    (英) Let me apply some SPF 50 sunscreen.

  7. (廣東話) 用嚟量度音程
    (英文) quantifier for music intervals
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 八度baat3 dou6
    (英) octave

  8. (廣東話) 空間維數
    (英文) quantifier for spatial dimensions
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 維度wai4 dou6
    (英) temporal or spatial dimension
    (粵) saam1dou6hung1gaan1
    (英) three dimensional space

  9. (廣東話) 每小時1000 watt 用電量
    (英文) 1kWh of electricity usage

  10. (廣東話) 1000公升用水量
    (英文) 1kl of water usage

  11. (廣東話) 醫療過程中對病人所提供氧氣嘅體積單位,等同每分鐘一升純氧氣
    (英文) quantifier for the amount of oxygen used in medication, litre of oxygen per minute (LPM)

參看: 量詞
版權:© 2024 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0

「度 / 道」

第 #2 條
  • dou6
  • dou6
詞性: 名詞
(廣東話) 地方地點;活動或者狀態嘅範圍
(英文) place; spot; boundaries; sphere of an activity or a state
配詞 / 用法:
(粵) 呢度ni1 dou6
(英) here
(粵) 嗰度go2 dou6
(英) there
(粵) 喺度hai2 dou6
(英) being; doing; literally: at this spot/place
(粵) 邊度bin1 dou6
(英) where
(粵) zoeng1di1faa1sang1tung4tong4baai2maai4tung4jat1dou6sin1
(英) Put the peanuts and candies together.
(粵) ling6jat1dou6sin1jau5dak1jing2jan3
(英) You can photocopy only in another place/location.
(粵) ngo5dei6loeng5dou6dou1soeng2heoi3
(英) We want to go to both places.
(粵) hou2do1dou6dou1co3zo2wo3
(英) Well, there are many mistakes.
(粵) sei2laa1wan2wan4gam3do1dou6dou1m4gin3aa3
(英) Oh dear, we've looked for so many places but still cannot find it.
(粵) nei5gin6lau1hai2ngo5dou6
(英) Your coat is kept by me.
(粵) ni1go3lai6zi2ngo5hai2syu1dou6gin3gwo3gaa3
(英) I saw this example in the book.
(粵) ngo5lau6zo2go3ngan4baau1hai2siu2baa1dou6
(英) I left my purse on the minibus.
(粵) syut3gwai6dou6zung6jau5zi1be1zau2
(英) There is still a bottle of beer in the refrigerator.
(粵) aa3fai1zek3goek3dou6jau5go3man4san1
(英) There is a tattoo on Fai's leg.
(粵) daai6si4daai6zit3dou6dou6dou1hou2do1jan4
(英) Crowds are everywhere at festivals.
(粵) bun2簿bou2dou6waak6zo2hou2do1fo2caai4jan4
(英) Many figures of matches are drawn on the book.
(粵) daap6zi2sau1maai4hai2di1faai1lou2dou6
(英) The paper is stored in the folders.
(粵) bat1ce1maa5fai3gang2hai6jiu3gai3faan1lok6hoi1zi1tiu4sou3dou6laa1
(英) The honorarium should indeed be a part of our expenditure.
(粵) gaan1miu2go3tung4zoeng6dou6haak1zo2zi6
(英) Words are inscribed on the bronze statue in the temple.
(粵) cong4dou6di1gung1zai2nei5gaa4
(英) Are the dolls on the bed yours?
(粵) din6si6dou6di1goeng1si1m4hai6hou2dak1jan4geng1ze1
(英) Vampires on TV aren't really scary.
(粵) keoi5dei6jau5hap6zok3hoi1mak6kai3hai2faan1saai3dou6
(英) They have been cooperating and still have tacit understanding.
參看: 竇口 現場 粉刺 污漬 青春痘 界線 線 界限 境 疆
版權:© 2023 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #3 條
讀音: dok6
詞性: 動詞
  1. (廣東話) 測量數值,譬如長度、高度、温度
    (英文) to measure
    (粵) ngo5jiu3dok6haa5go3ji1gwai6jau5gei2gou1
    (英) I have to measure the height of the wardrobe.
    (粵) ngo5lo2tiu4kwan4ceot1lai4dok6haa5faat3jin6m4hai6hou2aam1san1
    (英) I measured the dress against myself and found that it didn't fit me.

  2. (廣東話) 諗;思考
    (英文) to devise; to work out; to ponder
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 度橋dok6 kiu2
    (英) to weigh ideas
    (粵) dok6tiu4gai2zai2
    (英) to think of a way
    (粵) nam2gwo3dok6gwo3
    (英) to think deeply
    (粵) keoi5dok6gan2tou3hei3ge3kek6bun2
    (英) He's working on the film script.

  3. (廣東話) 借貸、借錢
    (英文) to lend or borrow, especially money
    (粵) nei5ho2m4ho2ji5dok6zyu6ng5gau6seoi2bei2ngo5aa3
    (英) Can you lend me $500?

參看: 設 設計 咀嚼 思索 自忖 思考 測量 量 量度 措施
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0

「到 / 倒」

第 #4 條
  • dou2
  • dou2
  • dou2
詞性: 詞綴
(廣東話) 加喺數量(名)詞短語後面,表示大概大約
(英文) used after a numeral-classifier(-noun) phrase; approximately; about; around
配詞 / 用法:
(粵) jat1baak3man1dou2
(英) approximately a hundred dollars
(粵) ji6sap6go3jan4dou2
(英) about twenty people
(粵) sei3sap6seoi3dou2
(英) around forty years old
(粵) ngo5dei6go3biu2jin2gei2dim2hoi1ci2aa3m4zi1aa3ngo5nam2loeng5dim2dou2laa1jiu3tai2haa5cin4jat1go3biu2jin2wui5m4wui5ciu1si4sin1zi1
(英) "When will the next show begin?" "I don't know. It may begin at about two, depending on whether the previous one runs over time or not."
近義: 近義: 左右
參看: 估計 約數 約莫 大致上 粗略 關於 大約 上下 四圍 四周圍 周圍
版權:© 2023 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #5 條
讀音: dou6
詞性: 語素
  1. (廣東話) 接喺形容詞後面,去表示物質嘅相關性質所達到嘅狀況
    (英文) denotes extent or degree when placed after related adjectives
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 長度coeng4 dou6
    (英) length
    (粵) 高度gou1 dou6
    (英) height
    (粵) 闊度fut3 dou6
    (英) width
    (粵) 硬度ngaang6 dou6
    (英) strength
    (粵) 濕度sap1 dou6
    (英) humidity
    (粵) 密度mat6 dou6
    (英) density
    (粵) syun1dou6
    (英) acidity

  2. (廣東話) 法制、標準
    (英文) standard
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 制度zai3 dou6
    (英) system
    (粵) 尺度cek3 dou6
    (英) standard

  3. (廣東話) 限制
    (英文) limit
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) fong1jam4mou4dou6
    (英) self-indulgent without limit
    (粵) 過度gwo3 dou6
    (英) excessively

  4. (廣東話) 考量
    (英文) consideration
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 置之度外zi3 zi1 dou6 ngoi6
    (英) to leave something out of consideration

  5. (廣東話) 外觀
    (英文) appearance
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 風度fung1 dou6
    (英) manner of behaviour
    (粵) 態度taai3 dou6
    (英) attitude

  6. (廣東話) 氣量
    (英文) tolerance
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) daai6dou6
    (英) to be tolerant
    (粵) 氣度hei3 dou6
    (英) tolerance

參看: 劃一 規格 格 尺度 局限 拘 制 乃念 面貌 風貌 身世 面孔 模樣 忍受 容忍 姑息 頂得順 容納
版權:© 2023 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #6 條
讀音: dou2
詞性: 名詞
標籤: 術語
(廣東話) (裁縫/紡織業用語)直向長度(量詞:個)
(英文) (textile industry jargon) (vertical) length
配詞 / 用法:
(粵) 封度fung1 dou2
(英) width and length
(粵) 短度闊封dyun2 dou2 fut3 fung1
(英) short in length and wide in width
(粵) ni1faai3bou3go3dou2hai68baat3cek3
(英) This cloth is 8 feet in length.
參看: 長短 長度
版權:© 2023 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0
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