
第 #1 條
讀音: tau4
詞性: 名詞
  1. (廣東話) 人或動物條頸以上嘅部份(量詞:個)
    (英文) head
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) tau4nou5
    (英) brain
    (粵) jan4tau4
    (英) human's head
    (粵) 大頭 (daai6 tau4/daai6 tau2)
    (英) big head

  2. (廣東話) 頭髮;髮型
    (英文) hairstyle; hair
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 梳頭so1 tau4
    (英) to comb one's hair
    (粵) zing2tau4
    (英) to set hair
    (粵) lyun1mou1tau4
    (英) curled-hair
    (粵) ngo5go3tau4hou2m4hou2tai2aa3
    (英) Is my hairstyle nice?

  3. (廣東話) 地方;地區
    (英文) area; location
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) ngo5go2tau4
    (英) my area
    (粵) 地頭dei6 tau4
    (英) area that one is familiar with; territory
    (粵) 嗰頭go2 tau4
    (英) over there
    (粵) ngo5go2tau4mou5tou4syu1gun2
    (英) There are no libraries in my area.

  4. (廣東話) 一邊;一端
    (英文) end; side
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 針冇兩頭利zam1 mou5 loeng5 tau4 lei6
    (英) One cannot have it both ways. (Literally: No pin is sharp on both ends.)

  5. (廣東話) 前面;領先嘅位置、人物或部份(量詞:個)
    (英文) front; head; the first (position, person or part)
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) deoi2tau4
    (英) the head of a queue
    (粵) lung4tau4
    (英) the head of a queue
    (粵) 虎頭蛇尾fu2 tau4 se4 mei5
    (英) to start strongly but finish weakly; inconsistent with one's effort; literally: tiger head snake tail
    (粵) ngo5dei6dou1hai6gan1haang4tau4go2go3gaa3zaa3
    (英) We just follow the person in the front.
    (粵) pin1man2ge3tau4tung4mei5wu6soeng1fu1jing1
    (英) The front and the end of the article are coherent.

  6. (廣東話) 開始嘅時候;首先發生嘅時刻(量詞:個)
    (英文) beginning
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 年頭nin4 tau4
    (英) beginning of a year
    (粵) jyut6tau4
    (英) beginning of a month
    (粵) 頭尾tau4 mei5
    (英) from beginning to end; altogether
    (粵) 萬事起頭難maan6 si6 hei2 tau4 naan4
    (英) all things are difficult before they are easy
    (粵) hoi1zo2go3tau4mou5lei5jau4m4maai4mei5𠿪gaa2
    (英) It makes no sense not to finish it once it begins, doesn't it.

  7. (廣東話) 長度,大約一個頭嘅高度
    (英文) a unit of length about the height of a human head
    (粵) NBAen1 bi1 ei1kau4sing1haan4haan2dei2gou1ngo5jat1go3tau4
    (英) NBA players are generally a head taller than me.

參看: 酸薑蕎 頭頭 話事人 頭毛 毛髮 區域 地區 地方 定位 所在地 位置 路畸唇
版權:© 2024 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #2 條
讀音: tau2
詞性: 語素
  1. (廣東話)」(頭部)tau4 喺某啲配搭嘅變調
    (英文) the changed tone of "head (a body part)" (tau4) in certain collocations
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 大頭daai6 tau2
    (英) big head (e.g. in a photo or on a coin)
    (粵) 撼頭埋牆ham2 tau2 maai4 coeng4
    (英) to bang one's head against the wall

  2. (廣東話) (用喺詞尾)領導;首領;上司
    (英文) (used as the last syllable) leader; chief; head; boss
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 事頭si6 tau2
    (英) boss
    (粵) 阿頭aa3 tau2
    (英) leader; chief; head; boss
    (粵) 軍頭gwan1 tau2
    (英) military chief
    (粵) 鄉頭hoeng1 tau2
    (英) leader of a rural village or rural village alliance

  3. (廣東話) 插頭
    (英文) electric plug
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) saam1goek3tau2
    (英) three-pin plug
    (粵) jing1gwok3tau2
    (英) UK plug

參看: 酸薑蕎 頭頭 話事人 領導 霸主 領袖 首要 首長 主要 首席 阿head 上面 波士
版權:© 2024 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #3 條
讀音: tau4
詞性: 語素
  1. (廣東話) 同位置、地點連用
    (英文) used with positions/locations
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 裏頭leoi5 tau4
    (英) inside
    (粵) 後頭hau4 tau4
    (英) back; the future

  2. (廣東話) 表現出嚟嘅一面
    (英文) the aspect to appear or to be shown
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 行頭hong4 tau4
    (英) outfit; actor's costume and paraphernalia
    (粵) 派頭paai1 tau4
    (英) style; manner; panache

版權:© 2024 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #4 條
讀音: tau4
詞性: 量詞
  1. (廣東話) 家庭嘅量詞
    (英文) quantifier for families
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) caang3hei2jat1tau4gaa1
    (英) to support one's own family

  2. (廣東話) 用喺「親事
    (英文) quantifier for 「親事」 (marriage)
    (粵) ngo5faan2deoi3ni1tau4can1si6
    (英) I disapprove this marriage proposal.

版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #5 條
讀音: tau4
詞性: 形容詞
(廣東話) 最先;最初;最前面
(英文) first; number one; top
配詞 / 用法:
(粵) tau4sap6ming4
(英) top ten (people)
(粵) ngo5faan1dou3lai4tau4go2gei2jat6hou2m4gwaan3
(英) For the first few days after my return, I was not used to the environment.
(粵) keoi5daai6hok6gaan2fo1zoeng1jyu5jin4hok6paai4dou3hou2tau4
(英) He listed linguistics among his top preferences when applying to university.
參看: 首名 初戀 最好 上衣 頂端 頭號 top
版權:© 2024 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #6 條
讀音: tau2
詞性: 量詞
(廣東話) 海味體積嘅量詞,即係每嘅隻數,數字越大體積越細
(英文) piece per catty, unit for describing size of some seafood, such as abalone and fish maw
配詞 / 用法:
(粵) jat1tau2baau1
(英) An abalone weighted one catty
(粵) 110jat1 baak3 jat1 sap6tau2wong4faa1gaau1
(英) Dried fish maw weighted around 1/110 catty per piece
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