
第 #1 條
讀音: zau6
詞性: 副詞
  1. (廣東話) 差唔多即將就快;淨返少少進度就完成
    (英文) almost; soon
    (粵) caan1faan6zau6sik6dak1laa3
    (英) The meal is soon to be ready to eat.
    (粵) zau6gaau2dim6laa3bei2do1siu2siu2si4gaan3ngo5laa1
    (英) It's almost done, give me a bit more time.

  2. (廣東話) 正正;標示對象嘅描述精準、準確
    (英文) precisely; exactly
    (粵) ni1go3jan4zau6hai6keoi5naam4pang4jau5laa3
    (英) This person is precisely her boyfriend.
    (粵) zek3biu1mai6zau6hai6keoi5sung3bei2ngo5gaa3lo1
    (英) It's exactly him who gave (me) the watch.
    (粵) daan1je5gei2si4gaa3zau6cam4jat6zaa3
    (英) A: "When did it happen?" B: "Just yesterday."
    (粵) zau6caa1nei5jat1go3zaa3
    (英) You are the only missed one!

  3. (廣東話) 表示堅決嘅語氣或者對抗緊某啲嘢
    (英文) used to indicate determination, confrontation or antagonism
    (粵) ngo5zau6m4seon3ngo5hok6m4sik1
    (英) I just don't believe that I couldn't learn it.
    (粵) zau6gaan2ni1zek3sik1laa1
    (英) I'll just pick this colour.
    (粵) ngo5zau6hai6m4bei2nei5aa3ceoi1me1
    (英) I won't give it to you. Bite me!

參看: 差不多 咁滯 幾乎 差點 直程 轉頭 不一會 不久 精準 正 詳細 準確 精密 就係 就是 究竟
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #2 條
讀音: zau6 a6
詞性: 連詞
  1. (廣東話) 即刻輪到下一個動作,連續發生;通常同副詞「」連用去表達
    (英文) used to indicate two actions which happen consecutively, usu. in serial construction with the adverb jat1; right after; immediately after; then
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) zau6gong2zau6dou3
    (英) to arrive right after one has been mentioned
    (粵) keoi5jat1gong2jyun4zau6zau2
    (英) He's gone right after our conversation.

  2. (廣東話) 用嚟表達對比
    (英文) used to show contrast
    (粵) 講就天下無敵gong2 zau6 tin1 haa6 mou4 dik6zou6zau6無能為力mou4 nang4 wai4 lik6
    (英) incapable of accomplishing what one says; literally: being the greatest in the world when talking, but unable to help when doing
    (粵) tung4ngo5zau6sik6caa1siu1faan6tung4keoi5zau6sik6zi6zo6caan1
    (英) With me, you eat char-siu rice, but with her, you eat a buffet!
    (粵) gam2nei5dei6zik1hai6sik6me1ne1ngo5zau6caa1faan6keoi5zau6gaa3lei1ngau4naam5
    (英) A: "So what will you eat?" B: "Rice with Chinese style roast pork for me, beef brisket with curry for her."

  3. (廣東話) 強調某樣嘢早已經發生,或者表示開頭已經預料到
    (英文) used to emphasize something which has happened a long time ago or used to indicate something that is expected in the first place
    (粵) ngo5jat1zou2zau6waa6zo2nei5teng1laa3
    (英) I've told you in the first place.
    (粵) tiu4fu3bun2loi4zau6zaak3gaa3laa3ngo5sai2keoi5keoi5zung6suk1seoi2tim1
    (英) The trousers weren't really large enough in the first place, and they even shrank when I washed them.

  4. (廣東話) 用於條件句,表達前句為後句發生嘅充份條件
    (英文) used in a conditional sentence in which the antecedent clause is the sufficient condition for the happening of the event stated in the consequent clause
    (粵) go2go3jan2nei5zung1ji3zau6dak1laa3
    (英) If you like that person, then that's fine.
    (粵) nei5nam2dou2me1zau6gong2laa1
    (英) Speak up as soon as you think of something.
    (粵) nei5waa6hai6zau6hai6laa1
    (英) You think it's like that, then it's like that. (i.e. "Whatever you say.")
    (粵) bei2keoi5zaa1mai1zau6jau5paai4gong2laa3
    (英) Once he holds the mic, he'll make lengthy talks.
    (粵) nei5caam1gaa1ge3waa2ngo5zau6caam1gaa1laa1
    (英) If you join, then I join.
    (粵) jyu4gwo2nei5haau2si3hap6gaak3ngo5zau6maai5fan6lai5mat6bei2nei5laa1
    (英) If you pass the exam, then I buy you a present.

  5. (廣東話) 屈就於難以改變嘅狀況;用嘅時候放喺兩個相同嘅字句中間
    (英文) used between two identical elements to express resignation
    (粵) waa6zau6waa6mou5si6jau5fu2zi6gei2zi1
    (英) He claims to be alright, in fact suffering alone in silence.
    (粵) jau5di1je5hai6gam2zau6hai6gam2gaai2sik1m4dou2
    (英) Some things are really what they are and cannot be explained.
    (粵) gin6saam1daai6di1zau6daai6di1daan6hai6maai5zo2keoi5syun3laa3
    (英) Even though the garment is a little too big, just buy it.

參看: 接着 嗰陣 當時 然之後 然後
版權:© 2023 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #3 條
讀音: zau6
詞性: 語素
  1. (廣東話) 成功完成
    (英文) to succeed; to complete
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 成就sing4 zau6
    (英) achievement
    (粵) dung1sing4西sai1zau6
    (英) having a successful career without countless opportunities everywhere
    (粵) ming4sing4lei6zau6
    (英) being successful and famous

  2. (廣東話) 接近趨向
    (英文) close; near; to tend to
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 就近zau6 gan6
    (英) nearby
    (粵) 就手zau6 sau2
    (英) without much extra effort
    (粵) zau6便bin2
    (英) at somebody's convenience
    (粵) bei6faan4zau6gaan2
    (英) to follow the easy way
    (粵) 避重就輕bei6 cung5 zau6 heng1
    (英) to avoid the important and dwell on the trivial

  3. (廣東話)
    (英文) arrive
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) zau6zik6
    (英) to be seated
    (粵) 就座zau6 zo6
    (英) to be seated

  4. (廣東話) 從事
    (英文) to do
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 就職zau6 zik1
    (英) to inaugurate
    (粵) 就任zau6 jam6
    (英) to take up office
    (粵) 就業zau6 jip6
    (英) to start a career

參看: 成功 得咗 竟 KO 搞掂 閂門 關上 關閉 親切 近住 鄰近 臨近 傾向 趨向
版權:© 2021 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #4 條
讀音: zau6
詞性: 動詞
(廣東話) 因應對方嘅水平或狀況而去改變一啲做法,去配合對方
(英文) to accommodate; to yield to; to give in; to acquiesce
配詞 / 用法:
(粵) 遷就cin1 zau6
(英) to yield; to give in; to change a decision in response to a request
(粵) nei5m4hou2seng4jat6zau6keoi5keoi5waa6jiu3me1nei5dou1maai5
(英) Don't give in to her demands all the time, or buy her everything she asks for.
(粵) nei5m4使sai2zau6ngo5gaa3wo3
(英) You don't have to suit my preference.
參看: 相讓 就範 跪低
版權:© 2021 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #5 條
讀音: zau6
詞性: 介詞
(廣東話) 依照根據;喺⋯(呢件事)⋯上
(英文) in light of; with regard to; in this/that regard
配詞 / 用法:
(粵) zau6cing4fong3ji4ding6
(英) to decide regarding the situation
(粵) ngo5zau6ni1go3gai3waak6ji5ging1nam2hou2zo2saam1go3ho2hang4fong1on3
(英) I have thought of 3 feasible ways of execution regarding this project.
參看: 有鑑於 關於 於 對於 噉樣
版權:© 2021 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0
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