
第 #1 條
讀音: maai4
詞性: 動詞
  1. (廣東話) 藏入地下,用沙泥冚住;睇埋
    (英文) to bury something with sand or soil; to dispose of underground
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 埋葬maai4 zong3
    (英) to bury
    (英) I buried the body in the slope over there, that's all I know, I swear.
    (粵) di1gau2sik1dak1gwat6窿lung1maai4hou2di1gwat1tau4ci4di1sik6
    (英) Dogs bury bones in the ground to enjoy them later.

  2. (廣東話) 收起一樣嘢
    (英文) to hide
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 埋藏maai4 cong4
    (英) to conceal
    (粵) wai3aa3Sirsoe4be1gan2nei5aa3sing2seoi2siu2siu2faai3di1sau1maai4bun2maan6waa2laa1
    (英) Psst, the teacher has been staring at you the whole time. Please put that comic away already.
    (粵) m4hou2sau1sau1maai4maai4laa3jat1ding6jau6sik1zo2neoi5zai2laa1
    (英) Don't hide anything. You definitely have a new girl.

  3. (廣東話) 閉合;關閉
    (英文) to shut; to close; to join; to stitch two parts together
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 埋尾maai4 mei5
    (英) to finish something off
    (粵) ngo5jiu3fan3laa3seon6sau2tung4ngo5saan1maai4dou6mun4
    (英) I am hitting the hay now, can you do me a favor and close the door for me?
    (粵) m4zeon2gong2je5hap6maai4baa2hau2
    (英) Shut your mouth. No talking.
    (粵) nei5zou6jyun4sau2seot6go3tou5dou1zung6mei6埋口maai4 hau2hou2sam1zau6m4hou2zau2lei4zau2heoi3laa1
    (英) Please do yourself a favor and stay in bed. Your surgical wound hasn't fully healed yet.

  4. (廣東話) 靠近;接近
    (英文) to come close; to approach; to shorten the distance between
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 埋岸maai4 ngon6
    (英) to come close to shore
    (粵) king1dak1maai4
    (英) to get along well with (someone)
    (粵) dang2zo2seng4bun3nap1zung1sin1gin3dou2gaa3baa1si2埋站maai4 zaam6nei5waa6hai6mai6lei4pou2aa1
    (英) Don't you think it is absolutely absurd to have to wait half an hour for a bus?
    (粵) m4hou2maai4lei4nei5seng4san1dou1hai6hon6
    (英) Don't get too close. You are sweating all over.
    (粵) nei5mai5zoi3haang4maai4lei4aa3ngo5giu3gaa3
    (英) If you come an inch closer, I will scream for help.
    (粵) tou3din6jing2go2di1daa2dau3coeng4min2cyun4bou6dou1hai6maai4san1juk6bok3nei5dou1mai5waa6m4zing1coi2
    (英) All the fighting scenes in this movie are close quarters. I love it.

  5. (廣東話) 結算嘅時候加晒啲數
    (英文) to add up
    (粵) keoi5waa6jiu3naam4neoi5ping4dang2caan1caan1sik6faan6zoeng1daan1mai6jau6hai6ngo5maai4
    (英) She demands to be treated fairly, yet insists I pay the bill every single time.
    (粵) maai4hou2tiu4sou3mai6zi1zaan6gei2do1lo1
    (英) We'll know how much we earn after I work out the calculation.

參看: 收嗲 早抖啦 收聲 關 閂門 關上 關閉 親切 接近 邁向 揩埋 趨 逼近
版權:© 2024 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #2 條
讀音: maai4
詞性: 詞綴
  1. (廣東話) 用於動詞後,表達包括、連帶嘅意思
    (英文) used after a verb to express a sense of inclusion and addition
    (粵) nei5maai5sung3go2zan2gei3dak1seon6sau2bong1ngo5heoi3jau4guk2gaau1maai4seoi2din6daan1
    (英) When you are out for groceries, remember to pay the utility bills at the post office on your way back as well.
    (粵) ngo5tung4maai4nei5jat1cai4heoi3diu3jyu2
    (英) I will come along with the fishing trip.
    (粵) ngo5zan1hai6sai3gu2m4dou3ji4gaa1syu1dim3lin4naai5fan2dou1maai6maai4
    (英) I could never have thought that even powdered milk is available in a bookshop nowadays.
    (粵) ngo5faai3beng2bei2maai4nei5laa1
    (英) Here, have my cookie as well.
    (粵) keoi5bei2jan4deoi2lam3maai4
    (英) He was murdered too?

  2. (廣東話) 將一個進行中嘅動作延續,直至完成為止
    (英文) to express continuation until the completion of an ongoing action
    (粵) ngo5daa2maai4ni1pou1gei1zau6ceot1lai4sik6faan6
    (英) I will have dinner as soon as I finish this round of the game.
    (粵) ngo5gong2maai4ni1geoi3zi1hau6sin1dou3nei5
    (英) You will have your chance to speak after I have finished my sentence.
    (粵) zou6maai4fan6gung1fo3zau6zau2dak1
    (英) I can leave after finishing the assignment.

  3. (廣東話) 帶出負面嘅意思
    (英文) to indicate disapproval
    (粵) keoi5seng4jat6zou6maai4di1gam2ge3je5ci4zou2jau5bou3jing3gaa3
    (英) He'll definitely reap his own punishment for doing all those (bad) things!
    (粵) keoi5seng4jat6kwan4maai4di1dou2tou4zeoi3hau6syu1saai3di1cin2
    (英) He keeps hanging out with those gamblers, and eventually lost all his money.
    (粵) sik6maai4di1gam2ge3laap6saap3sik6mat6m4gin6hong1gaa3
    (英) Eating so much junk food is bad for your health!

版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #3 條
讀音: maai4
詞性: 形容詞
(廣東話) 親密
(英文) intimate; spiritually close
(粵) keoi5dei6haang4dak1hou2maai4wo3hai6mai6naam4neoi5pang4jau5aa3
(英) They are so close. Are they a couple?
參看: close 密切 煙韌 密
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0
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