
第 #1 條
讀音: sau1
詞性: 動詞
  1. (廣東話) 接受;被動噉得到人哋俾嘅嘢
    (英文) to receive; to accept
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) sau1cin2
    (英) to receive money
    (粵) 收風sau1 fung1
    (英) to get news; literally: to receive wind
    (粵) sau1dou2tung1zi1
    (英) to receive a notification; to be informed
    (粵) sau1ging2gou3seon3
    (英) to receive a warning letter
    (粵) ni1dou6di1seon3hou6sau1dak1hou2caa1
    (英) Mobile phone signal is so poor here.
    (粵) nei5zung6mei6sau1dou2ngo5dei6zoeng1ceng2tip2me1
    (英) You still haven't received our invitation card?
    (粵) nei5dang2cin2使sai2zau6sau1zo2zoeng1zi1piu3keoi5laa1
    (英) You need the money, just accept the cheque.
    (粵) nei5sau1m4sau1dou2ngo5soeng2gong2mat1
    (英) Have you got what I mean?

  2. (廣東話) 喺人哋手中攞返自己嘅嘢
    (英文) to take something back from others; to regain
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 收數sau1 sou3
    (英) to recall loans; to collect debts
    (粵) go3jip6zyu2soeng2sau1faan1gaan1uk1zi6gei2zyu6
    (英) The owner wanted to repossess his flat and live there.

  3. (廣東話) 將零散嘅物件集合起嚟
    (英文) to gather; to collect
    (粵) jau4caai1jat1jat6wui5heoi3jau4tung2sau1gei2ci3seon3
    (英) Postmen collect letters from postboxes several times a day.
    (粵) lok6jyu5laa3sau1saam1laa3
    (英) It's starting to rain! Collect the clothes!

  4. (廣東話) 確立從屬關係
    (英文) to build an affiliation
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 收養sau1 joeng5
    (英) to adopt
    (粵) 收留sau1 lau4
    (英) to shelter; to lodge
    (粵) sau1觀音兵gun1 jam1 bing1
    (英) (of women) to act nice to an admirer so that the person will run around looking after herself
    (粵) ho4saang1go3zai2sing4zik1caa1seng4gam2ceot1dou3ngoi6gwok3dou1mei6bit1jau5hok6haau6sau1
    (英) Mr. Ho's son, having poor results, may not be admitted to any school even abroad.
    (粵) keoi5gam3jau5sing4ji3sau1keoi5wai4tou4laa1
    (英) He's so sincere, let him be your apprentice!

  5. (廣東話) 匿埋;隱藏
    (英文) to hide; to cover
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) sau1hei2siu3jung4
    (英) to hide one's smile
    (粵) zou6mat1sau1maai4ngo5fan6gung1fo3aa3ngo5ting1jat6jiu3gaau1gaa3
    (英) Why did you hide my homework? I have to hand it in tomorrow!
    (粵) jau5me1m4hoi1sam1gei3dak1gong2ceot1lai4aa3cin1kei4m4hou2sau1maai4hai2sam1jap6min6
    (英) When there's something weighing on you, remember to speak your mind. You mustn't bottle that up inside.
    (粵) faai3di1sau1faan1maai4di1gaa3caang1laa3
    (英) Be quick, put the tools back!

  6. (廣東話) 結束、停止
    (英文) to close; to shut; to end; to stop
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 收手sau1 sau2
    (英) to stop an action
    (粵) 收聲sau1 seng1
    (英) to shut up
    (粵) 收檔sau1 dong3
    (英) to close the shop
    (粵) gin3hou2zau6sau1
    (英) to stop at an optimal moment
    (粵) nei5waa6gam1ci3dim2sau1fo1aa1
    (英) Tell me, how should we fix this this time?
    (粵) gaan1tong4seoi2pou2sau1gei2dim2
    (英) When does the dessert shop close?

  7. (廣東話) 撤銷;取消;令一樣嘢唔生效
    (英文) to undo; to cancel; to withdraw; to retract
    (粵) ngo5sau1faan1ngo5geoi3syut3waa6
    (英) I retract my statement.
    (粵) zing3fu2zaam6si4sau1faan1tiu4lai6cou2on3
    (英) The government has temporarily retracted the bill.

  8. (廣東話) 限制、約束
    (英文) to restrain
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 收服sau1 fuk6
    (英) to tame; to pacify
    (粵) 把口唔收baa2 hau2 m4 sau1
    (英) to say things incautiously; to say something that is inappropriate or at the wrong time
    (粵) sau1jat1sau1jau2
    (英) to slow down the gear
    (粵) sau1haa5baa2fo2laa1
    (英) Calm your temper.

  9. (廣東話) 懲罰;教訓
    (英文) to punish; to teach a lesson
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 冇天收mou5 tin1 sau1
    (英) to not be punished by the Heaven
    (粵) 收拾sau1 sap6
    (英) to quell; to vanquish

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