
第 #1 條
讀音: gei2
詞性: 代詞
  1. (廣東話) 疑問代詞,用嚟問咩時間、時間長度,或者形容詞、副詞程度
    (英文) an interrogative pronoun for the time, duration of a period of time, or extent of an adjective or adverb
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 幾時gei2 si4
    (英) when
    (粵) 幾點gei2 dim2
    (英) what time
    (粵) BBbi4 bi1gei2daai6aa3
    (英) How old is the baby?
    (粵) keoi5gei2daai6lik6daa2lok6lei4aa3
    (英) How strongly did he hit?
    (粵) keoi5hai2ou3mun2zyu6zo2幾耐gei2 noi6aa3
    (英) How long has she lived in Macau?
    (粵) keoi5dei6loeng5go3gei2noi6gin3jat1ci3
    (英) How often do both of them meet?
    (粵) faai3bou3jau5gei2daai6
    (英) How big is the cloth?
    (粵) zung6jau5gei2jyun5aa3
    (英) How much further is it?

  2. (廣東話) 疑問代詞,用嚟提問數量,或者表示未明嘅數量;後面只可以接單字名詞或者量詞;雖然係「幾多」嘅縮略,不過「幾」可以配序數前綴「」、「」,「幾多」就唔得;喺一串序數之中,「幾」通常代表一個數位,同樣係單音節,唔似得「幾多」能夠代表基位數組合
    (英文) how many; how much; an interrogative pronoun; it can only be followed by a single-character noun or measure word, but it can be preceded by the ordinal prefixes dai6 and co1; this is unlike its longer counterpart 幾多 gei2 do1, which can represent a group of atomic and base numbers in a numeric sequence, and which cannot be preceded by the aforementioned ordinal prefixes
    (粵) sap6gei2aa3
    (英) Ten-what? / What-teen?
    (粵) sap6gei2waa2
    (英) Ten-what? (an echo question)
    (粵) jat1gau2gei2nin4deoi3bei2jat1gau2gei2do1nin4
    (英) Year 190-what (19x)? (cf. "Year nineteen what [19xx]?")
    (粵) gei2dim2ceot1mun4hou2
    (英) What time should (I) leave home?
    (粵) di1jyu2gei2man1jat1gan1aa3使sai2zo2gei2ngan2aa3
    (英) How much do these fish cost per catty? How much did you spend?
    (粵) zek3bui1gei2cin2dou1mou5so2wai6zeoi3gan2jiu3nei5zung1ji3
    (英) How much money the cup costs doesn't matter; whether you like it does.
    (粵) gei2dou6sin1syun3faat3siu1
    (英) What temperature (literally: how many degrees) is regarded as a fever?
    (粵) nei5go3neoi2gei2seoi3
    (英) How many years old is your daughter?
    (粵) ni1syu3jau5gei2bong6
    (英) How much does this weigh in pounds?
    (粵) jiu3se2ming4gei2nin4gei2jyut6gei2jat6gaa3
    (英) You have to state clearly which year, month and day.
    (粵) keoi5cyun4baan1paai4dai6gei2
    (英) Which position is he ranked in the whole class?
    (粵) nei5dai6gei2jat6ceot1lai4zou6je5aa3
    (英) How many days have you been working?
    (粵) jau6cung4fuk1m4zi1dai6gei2cin1go3nen1ci3gam2sau1m4dou2jan4gung1
    (英) The pay has been delayed again, just like countless previous times.

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第 #2 條
讀音: gei2
詞性: 數詞
(廣東話) 細過十嘅正數;一般代指 3 至 9,因為「無三不成幾」呢個講法幾普及
(英文) several; a few; usually refers to a number between 3 to 9 inclusive
配詞 / 用法:
(粵) gei2ding1jau2
(英) several people
(粵) saam1sap6gei2
(英) thirty-something
(粵) gei2seoi3jan4zai2
(英) several-year-old kid
(粵) loeng5go3gei2
(英) two dollars and some cents
參看: 斷裂 分離 一些 小量 好幾
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #3 條
讀音: gei2
詞性: 副詞
(廣東話) 修飾程度,即係一般,有啲;唔算好好/好多,又唔算好差/好少
(英文) quite; fairly; rather
配詞 / 用法:
(粵) 幾係嘢gei2 hai6 je5
(英) quite hard; pretty uncomfortable
(粵) dung3m4dung3aa3dou1gei2gaa3
(英) "Are you cold?" "Quite so."
(粵) ni1tai4gei2naan4haa5
(英) This question is quite hard.
參看: ok 蠻 過得去 幾⋯下 近磅 相當 寧 挺 戒除 辭職 封咪 退 辭工
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