
第 #1 條
讀音: gei2 do1
詞性: 代詞
(廣東話) 疑問代詞,用嚟提問時間、數量,或者表示未明嘅時間、數量;可以放喺量詞、名詞前面,而唔可以配序數前綴「」、「」;喺一串序數之中,「幾多」能夠代表基位數組合,唔似得佢嘅單音節縮略「」噉,通常只代表一個數位
(英文) how many; how much; an interrogative pronoun which may be used in front of a measure word or noun but cannot be preceded by the ordinal prefixes dai6 or co1; however, it can represent a group of atomic and base numbers in a numeric sequence, unlike its monosyllabic short form gei2, which is limited to single digits
配詞 / 用法:
(粵) gei2do2jan4
(英) how many people
(粵) gei2do2hou6
(英) what number / which date
(粵) nei5jau5gei2do1cin2hai2san1aa3
(英) How much money do you have at this moment?
(粵) nei5jau5gei2do1go3sai3lou6
(英) How many children do you have?
(粵) wu4lei2sin1saang1gei2do1dim2
(英) What time is it, Mr. Fox?
(粵) keoi5din6waa2gei2do1luk6ng5sei3saam1gan1zyu6m4zi1gei2do1wo3
(英) A: "What is his / her phone number?" (How is the order of his / her phone number?) B: "6543 - I've forgotten the rest."
(粵) sik6gei2do1zoek3gei2do1zing2ding6ge3
(英) How much one could have in one's life is predestined.
(粵) ni1dou6di1laap6saap3jung6gei2do1laap6saap3doi2dou1m4gau3
(英) The trash here is always outweighing the capacity of rubbish bags, no matter how many there are.
近義: 近義: 多少
參看: 多多少少 多少 大把 好多 好少 幾夠 幾廿 幾錢 幾鬼 邊個 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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