
第 #1 條
讀音: go3
詞性: 量詞
  1. (廣東話) 最常用嘅量詞,用喺人、圓型嘅物件、抽象嘅概念等等
    (英文) the most general measure word; used for people, round objects, abstract things, such as questions / ideas, etc.
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) saam1go3ping4gwo2
    (英) three apples
    (粵) jat1go3jan4
    (英) a person
    (粵) gei2go3min6baau1
    (英) a few buns
    (粵) nei1go3jyut6
    (英) this month
    (粵) m4hai6go3go3dou1hou2ci5nei5gam2nam2gaa3
    (英) Not everyone thinks like you do.
    (粵) haa6go3dou3nei5
    (英) You are next.

  2. (廣東話) 用喺名詞(包括本身用其他量詞嘅名詞、抽象名詞、不可數名詞),用嚟指嗰樣嘢嘅某一種類
    (英文) used before nouns (including nouns that usually take a different measure word, abstract nouns and uncountable nouns) to highlight a specific type of the thing in question
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) fei1gei1go3jan5king4
    (英) engine of a/the plane
    (粵) go3gam2gok3zung6mei6faan1faan1lai4
    (英) That feeling is not back yet.

  3. (廣東話) ;講非整數嘅銀碼嗰時用嘅量詞
    (英文) dollar; used for non-rounded quantities of money
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) go3bun3
    (英) one dollar and fifty cents
    (粵) sei3go3cat1
    (英) four dollars and seventy cents
    (粵) loeng5go3gei2
    (英) 2.x dollars

  4. (廣東話) 一萬蚊;表達萬蚊嗰陣,前面較少配1-9,多數配十以上嘅數詞;後面唔會配「半」、「幾」,亦唔會配「水」或「嘢」,同用法有少少唔同
    (英文) ten thousand dollars; when it represents ten thousand, it is seldom preceded by the numerals 1-9 but instead by numerals ≥10; other restrictions include that it cannot be followed by bun3 (a half), gei2 (several), nor pair with the suffixes seoi2 (money) or je5 (things)
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) sap6go3
    (英) a hundred thousand dollars
    (粵) 廿jaa6go3
    (英) two hundred thousand dollars
    (粵) seng4baak3go3
    (英) a million dollars
    (粵) cin1gei2go3
    (英) ten and a few millions of dollars ($1X,000,000)

參看: 大洋
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #2 條
讀音: go3
詞性: 詞綴
(廣東話) 加插喺述賓結構輕讀,表示完成相關動作相對輕易,甚至令人感到享受;通常輕讀
(英文) used to indicate that the action is relatively easy, relaxing and even enjoyable; added in predicate-object constructions, usually pronounced unstressed
配詞 / 用法:
(粵) sik6go3teati1
(英) to have a tea break
(粵) sik6go3min6
(英) to have some noodles
(粵) taan3faan1go3haa6ng5caa4
(英) to enjoy a tea break
(粵) caa1go3din6
(英) to charge up the battery
(粵) soeng5go3tong4
(英) to attend a lesson
(粵) heoi3go3leng3ci3
(英) to go to the loo
(粵) fan3faan1go3leng3gaau3
(英) to have a nice sleep
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #3 條
讀音: go3
詞性: 語素
(廣東話) 助詞「」(gaa3)同某啲-o韻助詞連用嗰時,受語音同化而產生嘅讀音
(英文) pronunciation of the particle (gaa3) before particles with an -o final due to assimilation
(粵) waa6gwo3dou1m4syun3sou3go3wo3
(英) He even doesn't keep his promise.
(粵) gam2gaau2faat3m4dak1go3bo3
(英) This method won't work.
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0
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