
第 #1 條
讀音: sung3
詞性: 動詞
  1. (廣東話) 運輸,由一個地方將某個物件拎到另一地方
    (英文) to deliver; to carry
    (粵) gaan1pou3sing1kei4sei3wui5sung3zoeng1so1faa2lai4
    (英) The shop will deliver our new sofa on Thursday.

  2. (廣東話) 贈予;奉上;將物件無償(唔收錢)轉讓俾其他人
    (英文) to give; to give something as present or gift
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 送禮sung3 lai5
    (英) to send a gift
    (粵) nei5sung3mat1je5bei2nei5maa1mi4saang1jat6
    (英) What are you giving your mother on her birthday?

  3. (廣東話) 向他人表達感情
    (英文) to express one's feeling to the other
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 送暖sung3 nyun5
    (英) to show care; literally, to send warmth
    (粵) sung3soeng5zuk1fuk1
    (英) to give one's wishes
    (粵) sung3cau1bo1
    (英) to make eyes; to give someone a glad eye

  4. (廣東話) 陪伴住其他人完成一段旅程;喺其他人開始一段旅程之前,陪住佢
    (英文) to see someone off or out; to accompany; to escort
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 送機sung3 gei1
    (英) to see someone off at the airport
    (粵) dang2ngo5sung3nei5faan1uk1kei2
    (英) Let me see you home.

  5. (廣東話) 連同另一食物或者藥物一齊食用,有時係為咗食嗰陣冇咁掯、好味啲
    (英文) to spice up a kind of food or medicine with something else, sometimes for offsetting the unpleasantness of that food or medicine, or simply to make it taste better
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) sung3faan6
    (英) to eat (some sauce or dishes) with rice
    (粵) ngo5jung6caang2zap1lai4sung3joek6
    (英) I take medicine with orange juice (to offset its unpleasantness).
    (粵) caan1caan1dou1jau4zaa3gwai2sung3zuk1siu2sam1fei4sei2nei5aa3
    (英) If you eat fried dough sticks with congee all the time, you'll get really fat!

參看: 護送 相送 押解 開枝散葉 產 運送 相伴
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