
第 #1 條
讀音: nap1
詞性: 量詞
  1. (廣東話) 計算細圓形物體嘅單位
    (英文) grain; granule; small round object
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) jat1nap1zi2daan2
    (英) bullet
    (粵) gei2nap1mai5
    (英) a few grains of uncooked rice
    (粵) gei2nap1zai2dau6fu6
    (英) several small cubes of bean curd

  2. (廣東話) 用喺某個人嘅後代,尤其喺佢好錫自己後代嘅時候
    (英文) used for one's next generations, especially when one cherishes his/her own offspring
    (粵) ngo5dak1keoi5jat1nap1zai2zaa3
    (英) He's my only son!
    (粵) ngo5hou2gwaa3zyu6ngo5nap1syun1
    (英) I miss my grandson / granddaughter so much.

  3. (廣東話) 計算小時嘅量詞,通常會配「
    (英文) unit of hours, often used with zung1
    (粵) nei5gam1jat6zou6zo2gei2do1nap1zung1
    (英) For how many hours did you work today?

  4. (廣東話) 計算細數量嘅字或者音節
    (英文) used to count a small amount of characters/letters or syllables

  5. (廣東話) 計算高級警官戴喺膊頭上面嘅花形肩章(),引申指組織入面嘅身份地位
    (英文) used for the number of star-shaped pips in the insignia of a higher-ranked police officer or, by extension, the rank or position of a person in an organisation
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 大粒daai6 nap1
    (英) slang word for high-ranked
    (粵) bok3tau4jau5saam1nap1faa1
    (英) three pips on one's shoulder

  6. (廣東話) 萬蚊;同
    (英文) ten thousand dollars
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) bun3nap1je5
    (英) $5000
    (粵) sap6gei2nap1
    (英) a hundred and a few tens of thousands of dollars ($1X0000)
    (粵) saam1nap1bun3seoi2
    (英) $35000

參看: 糧 喱 稼 穀 穀物
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