eng:to break up; to end a romantic relationship
yue:佢哋終於分手,結束咗三年嘅感情。 (keoi5 dei6 zung1 jyu1 fan1 sau2, git3 cuk1 zo2 saam1 nin4 ge3 gam2 cing4.)
eng:They finally broke up after having been together for three years.
eng:to say goodbye; to part ways
yue:嗰晚同大家分咗手之後,我先醒起自己未夾返食飯錢。 (go2 maan5 tung4 daai6 gaa1 fan1 zo2 sau2 zi1 hau6, ngo5 sin1 sing2 hei2 zi6 gei2 mei6 gaap3 faan1 sik6 faan6 cin2.)
eng:That night after parting ways with everyone, I realised I'd forgotten to pay back my share of the dinner check. (This would be a situation where one person paid at the restaurant with the understanding that everyone else would pay him or her back for their portion before parting ways.)
yue:我喺車站同朋友分手,然後返屋企。 (ngo5 hai2 ce1 zaam6 tung4 pang4 jau5 fan1 sau2, jin4 hau6 faan1 uk1 kei2.)
eng:I parted ways with my friend at the station, then went home.