eng:to calculate; to solve math problems
yue:你識唔識計數㗎,咁容易都計錯! (nei5 sik1 m4 sik1 gai3 sou3 gaa3, gam3 jung4 ji6 dou1 gai3 co3!)
eng:Can you do any math at all? The problem is so simple, and you still manage to get it wrong!
yue:計算#收入 同#開支
eng:to calculate the gain and loss
yue:計計數都知冇得賺啦。 (gai3 gai3 sou3 dou1 zi1 mou5 dak1 zaan6 laa1.)
eng:If you do the maths you will know that there's no way to make a profit.