eng:income; revenue; earnings
yue:總收入 (zung2 sau1 jap6)
eng:gross revenue
yue:收入每月萬鬆 (sau1 jap6 mui5 jyut6 maan6 sung1)
eng:to have a monthly income of a bit more than ten thousand dollars
yue:活動吸引大量遊客,為當地嘅居民帶嚟咗一筆可觀嘅收入。 (wut6 dung6 kap1 jan5 daai6 loeng6 jau4 haak3, wai6 dong1 dei6 ge3 geoi1 man4 daai3 lai4 zo2 jat1 bat1 ho2 gun1 ge3 sau1 jap6.)
eng:The activity attracted a lot of tourists and brought in a handsome profit for the locals.