
第 #1 條
讀音: si1
詞性: 語素
  1. (廣東話) 實行;執行;變成行動
    (英文) to put into effect; to execute; to carry out; to enforce
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 施以si1 ji5
    (英) to apply with
    (粵) 施政si1 zing3
    (英) to implement policies
    (粵) 施工si1 gung1
    (英) to carry out a construction project
    (粵) 實施sat6 si1
    (英) to put into effect; to implement; to enforce
    (粵) 措施cou3 si1
    (英) measure; step
    (粵) 因材施教jan1 coi4 si1 gaau3
    (英) to teach according to one's ability or aptitude
    (粵) 軟硬兼施jyun5 ngaang6 gim1 si1
    (英) to use both hard and soft tactics; to combine threats with promises
    (粵) loek6se1siu2gai3
    (英) to play a little trick
    (粵) mou4gai3ho2si1
    (英) to have no solutions

  2. (廣東話) 給予;賦予
    (英文) to bestow; to grant
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 施予si1 jyu5
    (英) to give; to bestow
    (粵) 施捨si1 se2
    (英) to give something for charity; to give alms to
    (粵) 布施bou3 si1
    (英) to give alms
    (粵) si1jan1
    (英) to bestow favours
    (粵) gei2so2bat1juk6mat6si1jyu1jan4
    (英) What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.

  3. (廣東話) 加諸
    (英文) to exert; to impose
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 施加si1 gaa1
    (英) to exert
    (粵) 施壓si1 aat3
    (英) to put pressure on

  4. (廣東話)
    (英文) to use; to apply
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 設施cit3 si1
    (英) facility
    (粵) 施肥si1 fei4
    (英) to fertilize
    (粵) 施展si1 zin2
    (英) to put to good use; to give full play to
    (粵) 施放si1 fong3
    (英) to fire; to release

參看: 落實 實施 誅殺 執行 作出 進行 展開 予 饋 賦予 賜
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #2 條
讀音: si1
詞性: 名詞
標籤: 專名
(英文) a surname, usually transliterated as "Sze", "Sy", "See" or "Si"
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0
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