yue:表示物件本身預期嘅目的或者功用,有時喺物件同目的、功用之間可以交代埋用者;#俾、#等 某人#愛嚟、#用嚟、#用 一啲嘢
eng:to indicate the intended purpose or function of an object, and sometimes the user (the indirect object)
yue:部電話都係for你用一兩年。 (bou6 din6 waa2 dou1 hai6 fo6 nei5 jung6 jat1 loeng5 nin4.)
eng:The expected life of the phone is 1 to 2 years.
yue:你買返嚟for咩㗎? (nei5 maai5 faan1 lei4 fo6 me1 gaa3?)
eng:What are you buying it for?
eng:to indicate the object / patient of an action
yue:件褸for佢嚟講會唔會大件咗啲呢? (gin6 lau1 fo6 keoi5 lai4 gong2 wui5 m4 wui5 daai6 gin6 zo2 di1 ne1?)
eng:Would the coat be too big for her?