
第 #1 條
讀音: hoi1
詞性: 動詞
  1. (廣東話) 令一樣嘢唔再閂埋,或者令兩樣嘢唔再貼埋一齊,從而令空間形成
    (英文) to open (something that was shut); to open up (creating space or a gap)
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) hoi1coeng1
    (英) to open a window
    (粵) 開門hoi1 mun4
    (英) to open a door
    (粵) di1doi2lai4go2zan6ji5ging1hoi1saai3gaa3laa3
    (英) The bags were opened when they arrived.

  2. (廣東話) 容許進入某個場所
    (英文) to allow access into a place
    (粵) gaan1pou3hoi1tung1siu1gaa3jau5dak1hai2syu3daa2dan2
    (英) The shop opens overnight. One can hang around there.

  3. (廣東話) 形容花綻放
    (英文) to bloom
    (粵) faa1jyun2di1faa1hoi1saai3laa3wo3
    (英) The flowers in the garden have all bloomed.

  4. (廣東話) 開始做某種行為、動作,即係原本唔係做緊,之後做呢個轉換過程
    (英文) to start doing something; to commence
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 開工hoi1 gung1
    (英) to start work
    (粵) 開學hoi1 hok6
    (英) to commence the school term
    (粵) 開庭hoi1 ting4
    (英) to open a court session
    (粵) 開場hoi1 coeng4
    (英) (usually of performances) to start; to commence
    (粵) hoi1fan1
    (英) to break a vegetarian fast
    (粵) hoi1loeng5wai4
    (英) to arrange a banquet
    (粵) hoi1toi2sik6faan6
    (英) to set the dining table

  5. (廣東話) 解除限制
    (英文) to unlock; to lift (a ban or restriction)
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) hoi1so2
    (英) to unlock (a door)
    (粵) hoi1gam3
    (英) to lift a ban

  6. (廣東話) 舉行
    (英文) to hold (an event)
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 開會hoi1 wui2
    (英) to have a meeting
    (粵) hoi1paai3deoi3
    (英) to hold a party

  7. (廣東話) 創辦;設立;整新嘢
    (英文) to start something new
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) hoi1gung1si1
    (英) to start a company
    (粵) hoi1fan1dim3
    (英) to open a branch
    (粵) hoi1窿lung1
    (英) to dig a (new) hole
    (粵) dang2ngo5hoi1go3san1dong2on3sin1
    (英) Let me create a new file.

  8. (廣東話) 指發動機器/引擎去運作或者駕駛
    (英文) to start up; to turn on
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 開車hoi1 ce1
    (英) to start a vehicle
    (粵) 開船hoi1 syun4
    (英) to set sail
    (粵) hoi1gei1
    (英) to turn on a machine or (electronic) device
    (粵) hoi1sau1jam1gei1
    (英) to switch on the radio

  9. (廣東話) 發射
    (英文) to shoot; to discharge ammunition
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 開火ho1 fo2
    (英) to open fire
    (粵) ngo5hoeng3go2go3fong1hoeng3hoi1zo2loeng5coeng1
    (英) I shot twice at that direction.

  10. (廣東話) 發出提出
    (英文) to issue; to dispense
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) hoi1zi1piu3
    (英) to write a cheque
    (粵) hoi1tiu4gin2
    (英) to list a prerequisite
    (粵) ji1sang1hoi1zo2zoeng1beng6gaa3zi2bei2nei5
    (英) The doctor has issued a sick-leave certificate for you.
    (粵) ji1sang1jau5mou5hoi1joek6bei2nei5
    (英) Did the doctor dispense any medicine for you?

  11. (廣東話) 發掘;拓展;外露
    (英文) to discover; to explore; to expose
    (粵) ngo5go3gok3sik1sing1kap1zi1hau6hoi1zo2go3san1dei6tou4ceot1lai4
    (英) After my character has leveled up, a new map is revealed.
    (粵) ngo5mei6hoi1din6jau4tai2wo3hou2gap1gaa4
    (英) I haven't read the email—is it urgent?

  12. (廣東話) 揭曉;公佈
    (英文) to release a result; to reveal
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 開估hoi1 gu2
    (英) to reveal the answer
    (粵) luk6hap6coi2hoi1zo2mei6aa3
    (英) Has the Mark Six been released yet?

  13. (廣東話) 割、劏做幾份;分割
    (英文) to cut into pieces; to divide
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 除得開ceoi4 dak1 hoi1
    (英) to be divisible
    (粵) ni1gaan1uk1jat1hoi1saam1zou6zo2saam1gaan1tong1fong2
    (英) This flat was divided into three parts, and became three subdivided housing units.

  14. (廣東話) 混合調製(液體)
    (英文) to create a liquid mixture
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) hoi1ngaan4liu2
    (英) to mix acrylic paint
    (粵) hoi1naai5
    (英) to reconstitute powdered milk
    (粵) hoi1hin3
    (英) to make starch slurry

參看: 張開 揭開 開拓 打開 攤開 開花 盛開 綻放 着手
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #2 條
讀音: hoi1
詞性: 形容詞
  1. (廣東話) 表示範圍擴張、擴大
    (英文) to spread; to enlarge
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 散開saan3 hoi1
    (英) to scatter; to disperse
    (粵) 傳開cyun4 hoi1
    (英) to spread; to be widely known

  2. (廣東話) 放喺動詞後面表示通透豁達
    (英文) put after verb that expresses "generous" or "open-minded"
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) #諗得開nam2 dak1 hoi1
    (英) to have an open mind
    (粵) 睇開tai2 hoi1
    (英) to be tolerant of something

  3. (廣東話) 喺外面嘅
    (英文) outside; on the outer side
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 開便hoi1 bin6
    (英) outside

  4. (廣東話) 遠離
    (英文) away; elsewhere
    (粵) bei2di1daam2jau4hoi1di1
    (英) Brace yourself, swim away from pool side.
    (粵) haang4hoi1laa1nei5
    (英) Go away!
    (粵) ling1hoi1saai3di1din6nou5laa1
    (英) Move all computers away!

參看: 傳播 散播 放大 隆 擴 外界 外面 外 出面
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #3 條
讀音: hoi1
詞性: 量詞
  1. (廣東話) ;通常用嚟講投資收益
    (英文) times; usually of monetary gain from investments
    (粵) gam1jat6zek3gu2piu3zaan6zo2loeng5go3hoi1gau6cin2jau4jat1maan6bin3zo2saam1maan6
    (英) Today, the stock price tripled, our funds increased from $10,000 to $30,000.

  2. (廣東話) 計算紙張大細嘅傳統單位;一張四六版嘅「全開」紙就係 760 毫米闊、1040 毫米長;由全開一分為二稱之為「對開」,對開再一分為二稱之為「四開」,如此類推
    (英文) division in Shiroku-ban paper size
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) deoi3hoi1
    (英) folio; f
    (粵) baat3hoi1
    (英) octavo; 8vo (equivalent to B4)
    (粵) saam1sap6ji6hoi1
    (英) thirty-twomo; 32mo; Tt

參看: 時 當時得令 時代
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #4 條
讀音: hoi1
詞性: 詞綴
(廣東話) 放喺動詞之後,表示一向以來慣常嘅事
(英文) a postverbal aspect marker that expresses a habit which has continued for a period of time until the present
(粵) aa3ming4zou6hoi1wan6dung6san1tai2hou2gin6hong1
(英) Ah Ming is used to doing exercise and has a healthy body.
(粵) ngo5go3zai2jam2hoi1ni1zek3naai5fan2
(英) This is the powdered milk that my son has been drinking.
(粵) jung6hoi1din6nou5daa2zi6ge3jan4jung6daa2zi6gei1wui5daa2dak1hou2maan6
(英) People who are used to type on a computer will type very slowly on a typewriter.
近義: 近義: 一向 不嬲
版權:© 2020 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0
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