eng:file; record; archive
yue:檔案法 (dong2 on3 faat3)
eng:archive law
yue:電子檔案 (din6 zi2 dong2 on3)
eng:electric file
yue:檔案總管 (dong2 on3 zung2 gun2)
eng:file explorer
yue:我要摷返份檔案出嚟,好重要㗎。 (ngo5 jiu3 caau3 faan1 fan6 dong2 on3 ceot1 lai4, hou2 zung6 jiu3 gaa3.)
eng:I really need to locate that file; it's crucial.
yue:檔案太大。 (dong2 on3 taai3 daai6.)
eng:The file is too big.