eng:(English loan) (stationery) file; folder
yue:用唔同顏色嘅快勞去裝唔同項目嘅資料,咁咪冇咁易撈亂囉。 (jung6 m4 tung4 ngaan4 sik1 ge3 faai1 lou2 heoi3 zong1 m4 tung4 hong6 muk6 ge3 zi1 liu2, gam2 mai6 mou5 gam3 ji6 lou1 lyun6 lo1.)
eng:If you use different color folders to store data from different categories, that will help you to not get things mixed up.
eng:(English loan) computer file
yue:我一分鐘前send咗個快勞畀你,你睇下收唔收到? (ngo5 jat1 fan1 zung1 cin4 sen1 zo2 go3 faai1 lou2 bei2 nei5, nei5 tai2 haa5 sau1 m4 sau1 dou2?)
eng:I emailed you a file a minute ago. Can you check to see if you got it?
eng:(English loan) case file; a collection of documents relating to a particular issue.
yue:麻煩你幫我拎呢個申請人嘅快勞過嚟吖。 (maa4 faan4 nei5 bong1 ngo5 ling1 ni1 go3 san1 cing2 jan4 ge3 faai1 lou2 gwo3 lei4 aa1.)
eng:Please bring me this applicant's file.