eng:document; papers
yue:重要文件 (zung6 jiu3 man4 gin2)
eng:important documents
yue:文件夾 (man4 gin2 gaap2)
eng:document folder; paper folder
yue:啲文件唔好四圍飛喎。 (di1 man4 gin2 m4 hou2 sei3 wai4 fei1 wo3.)
eng:The documents shouldn't be scattered all over the place.
yue:諮詢文件可以喺政府網頁下載。 (zi1 seon1 man4 gin2 ho2 ji5 hai2 zing3 fu2 mong5 jip6 haa6 zoi3.)
eng:Documents about the consultation are available for downloads on the webpage of the government.