eng:a classifier for literary works and films
yue:一部小説 (jat1 bou6 siu2 syut3)
eng:a novel
yue:一部電影 (jat1 bou6 din6 jing2)
eng:a film
yue:呢部電視劇 (ni1 bou6 din6 si6 kek6)
eng:this TV drama series
eng:part (of a document, form, etc.)
yue:第三部 (dai6 saam1 bou6)
eng:Part III
yue:考試範圍甲部 (haau2 si5 faan6 wai4 gaap3 bou6)
eng:part one of the scope of the exam
eng:a classifier for vehicles and machines
yue:一部跑車 (jat1 bou6 paau2 ce1)
eng:a sports car
yue:一部手推車 (jat1 bou6 sau2 teoi1 ce1)
eng:a trolley
yue:一部電腦 (jat1 bou6 din6 nou5)
eng:a computer
yue:一部相機 (jat1 bou6 soeng2 gei1)
eng:a camera
yue:一部衣車 (jat1 bou6 ji1 ce1)
eng:a sewing machine
yue:一部電話 (jat1 bou6 din6 waa2)
eng:a phone
yue:嗰部風扇 (go2 bou6 fung1 sin3)
eng:that electric fan
yue:三十部風車 (saam1 sap6 bou6 fung1 ce1)
eng:30 windmills
yue:呢部係收音機,嗰部係錄音機。 (ni1 bou6 hai6 sau1 jam1 gei1, go2 bou6 hai6 luk6 jam1 gei1.)
eng:This is a radio, that is a recorder.
yue:部𨋢滿晒人,等過部啦。 (bou6 lip1 mun5 saai3 jan4, dang2 gwo3 bou6 laa1.)
eng:The lift is full (of people). Wait again for another one.
eng:part; section; region
yue:腹部 (fuk1 bou6)
yue:中國嘅南部 (zung1 gwok3 ge3 naam4 bou6)
eng:the southern part of China
eng:unit; department; ministry
yue:人事部 (jan4 si6 bou6)
eng:personnel/HR department
yue:玩具部 (wun6 geoi6 bou6)
eng:the toy department (of a department store)
yue:國防部 (gwok3 fong4 bou6)
eng:the Ministry of Defence
yue:佢認為,人事部嘅角色係協助員工發揮所長,從而推動公司發展。 (keoi5 jing6 wai6, jan4 si6 bou6 ge3 gok3 sik1 hai6 hip3 zo6 jyun4 gung1 faat3 fai1 so2 coeng4, cung4 ji4 teoi1 dung6 gung1 si1 faat3 zin2.)
eng:He believes that the role of the HR department is to help staff make good use of their talent, so as to push forward organisational development.