
第 #1 條
讀音: bin1
詞性: 代詞
  1. (廣東話) 用喺問句上,加「邊」字喺發問主題所用嘅量詞前(後面指唔指明物件都得),用嚟問嗰樣嘢係乜,可以係開放式問題,亦可以係有既定選項俾人揀。可以用於地點、物件、人物、時間。
    (英文) "which" or "what"; added in front of the classifier (the specification of objects is optional), to enquire what it is. The question could be either open-ended or closed-end with certain options mentioned. Could be used with place, objects, people and time (i.e. where; which; whom; when).
    (粵) ni1zek3sau2biu1bin1dou6jau5dak1maai6aa3
    (英) Where can I buy this watch?
    (粵) keoi5hai6bin1go3
    (英) Who is he?
    (粵) nei5daa2bei2bin1go3aa3
    (英) Whom did you call?
    (粵) nei5tung4bin1di1jan4jat1cai4zyu6aa3
    (英) Who are you staying with?
    (粵) nei5zung1ji3bin1gaa3jing4hou6aa3
    (英) Which model do you like?
    (粵) nei5gei3m4gei3dak1nei5gaa1ze2bin1jat6git3fan1aa3
    (英) Do you remember the date your elder sister got married?
    (粵) bin1go3bui1hai6nei5gaa3
    (英) Which of these glasses is yours?

  2. (廣東話) 單用而放喺賓語嘅時候,就係用嚟問地方,同「邊度」、「邊處」或者「邊個/啲地方」
    (英文) When used alone and placed in the object, it is to enquire the place, same as "where" or "which place(s)" meant by 邊度 bin1 dou6, 邊處 bin1 syu3 or 邊個/啲地方 bin1 go3/di1 dei6 fong1.
    (粵) nei5heoi3zo2bin1
    (英) Where did you go?
    (粵) ni1loeng5bun2ci4din2ge3fan1bit6hai2bin1ne1
    (英) What are the differences between the two dictionaries?
    (粵) nei5paak3zo2gaa3ce1hai2bin1aa3
    (英) Where did you park your car?

  3. (廣東話) 單用而放喺句首或者靠近主語,就再唔係表示疑問以獲得資訊,而係構成否定意思嘅反詰,反對對方所相信嘅嘢,亦都可以用「邊度」、「」代替
    (英文) When used alone and placed in the beginning of a sentence or near the subject, it is no longer an interrogative to seek information but a rhetorical question word as a construction of a negative meaning to oppose the hearer's belief. Could be replaced with 邊度 bin1 dou6 or dim2
    (粵) gaan1pou3zing6jing1jing1bin1jau5jan4aa1
    (英) It is quiet in the shop, no way are there people.
    (粵) bin1gau3nei5hou2coi2aa3
    (英) No one can be luckier than you.

近義: 近義:
參看: 邊個 何人
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #2 條
讀音: bin1
詞性: 名詞
  1. (廣東話) 兩樣嘢嘅分界;一樣嘢嘅盡頭
    (英文) the place where two things meet; the point or site where one thing ends; margin; edge; side; rim
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) toi2bin1
    (英) the edge of a desk
    (粵) 海邊hoi2 bin1
    (英) seaside
    (粵) 邊境bin1 ging2
    (英) border (of a country)
    (粵) saam1gok3jing4jau5saam1tiu4bin1
    (英) A triangle has three sides.

  2. (廣東話) 對立嘅隊伍或人
    (英文) party; side; opposing groups
    (粵) zoeng1di1hok6saang1fan1sing4loeng5bin1
    (英) Split the students into two groups.
    (粵) nei5bong1bin1bin1gaa3
    (英) Which side are you on?

參看: 邊沿 涯 際 邊際 心急 棱 角 優點 處 旁
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0
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