eng:direction; orientation
yue:方向正確 (fong1 hoeng3 zing3 kok3)
eng:in the right direction
yue:喺森林好易迷失方向。 (hai2 sam1 lam4 hou2 ji6 mai4 sat1 fong1 hoeng3.)
eng:It's easy to lose direction in forest.
eng:general aim or purpose
yue:青少年容易迷失方向, 誤入歧途。 (cing1 siu3 nin4 jung4 ji3 mai4 sat1 fong1 hoeng3, ng6 jap6 kei4 tou4.)
eng:Young people can easily lose their way and go astray.
yue:今日開會就係講下呢年公司嘅發展方向。 (gam1 jat6 hoi1 wui2 zau6 hai6 gong2 haa5 ni1 nin4 gung1 si1 ge3 faat3 zin2 fong1 hoeng3.)
eng:Today's meeting is about the direction of the company's development in the coming year.