eng:play; show
yue:呢場戲好好睇。 (ni1 coeng4 hei3 hou2 hou2 tai2.)
eng:This is a wonderful performance.
eng:traditional Chinese drama or opera
yue:#神功戲 (san4 gung1 hei3)
eng:opera performances offered to deities
yue:#落鄉戲 (lok6 hoeng1 hei3)
eng:opera performances offered to deities (during the troupe's arrival to a rural area)
yue:#南戲 (naam4 hei3)
eng:Southern Opera
yue:#做戲 (zou6 hei3)
eng:to perform; to act; figuratively: to pretend
yue:#交戲 (gaau3 hei3)
eng:to act or pretend, usually with effort
yue:#馬騮戲 (maa5 lau1 hei3)
eng:farce; literally: monkey play
yue:#木偶戲 (muk6 ngau5 hei3)
eng:puppet show
yue:#好戲在後頭 (hou2 hei3 zoi6 hau6 tau4)
eng:The really interesting part is yet to come.
yue:俾啲戲我得唔得! (bei2 di1 hei3 ngo5 dak1 m4 dak1!)
eng:Show me your talent!
yue:啱啱入職,如果你老細唔睇你台戲,代表你冇運行,可以收皮。 (ngaam1 ngaam1 jap6 zik1, jyu4 gwo2 nei5 lou5 sai3 m4 tai2 nei5 toi4 hei3, doi6 biu2 nei5 mou5 wan6 haang4, ho2 ji5 sau1 pei4.)
eng:As a newcomer, if your boss doesn't value your work, you're in trouble - it suggests things won't go well for you.