eng:disinclined to do something; so as to avoid; not to bother something; not worth the trouble
yue:佢咁唔講道理,我都費事理佢。 (keoi5 gam3 m4 gong2 dou6 lei5, ngo5 dou1 fai3 si6 lei5 keoi5.)
eng:He's so unreasonable that I won't bother to take any notice of him .
yue:星期日費事煮飯喇,不如出去食啦。 (sing1 kei4 jat6 fai3 si6 zyu2 faan6 laa3, bat1 jyu4 ceot1 heoi3 sik6 laa1.)
eng:It's so bothersome to cook on Sunday. Why don't we eat out?
yue:費事熄燈啦,好煩㗎。 (fai3 si6 sik1 dang1 laa1, hou2 faan4 gaa3.)
eng:I'm tired of turning the lights off all the time. It's such a hassle.
yue:佢嘅嘢等佢自己搞掂啦,費事越幫越忙。 (keoi5 ge3 je5 dang2 keoi5 zi6 gei2 gaau2 dim6 laa1, fai3 si6 jyut6 bong1 jyut6 mong4.)
eng:Leave him alone to deal with his own stuff, so as to avoid hindering more than helping him.