
第 #1 條
讀音: mou5
詞性: 動詞
  1. (廣東話) 用喺動詞或者形容詞之前,表示某行為或者效果未喺一個時間點發生、出現
    (英文) do not; have not done (at a temporal point); used before verbs or adjectives
    (粵) hou2noi6mou5gin3
    (英) Long time no see.
    (粵) keoi5mou5sik6maan5faan6
    (英) He didn't eat dinner.
    (粵) ngo5mou5zoi3faat3siu1laa3
    (英) My fever is over.
    (粵) di1seoi2mou5jit6dou3
    (英) The water is not hot (despite any expectation or attempt to heat it).
    (粵) gaa1lok6gam1jat6mou5jai1wo3dai2zaan3
    (英) Ka-lok behaves well today. What a good boy.

  2. (廣東話)」嘅相反;表示賓語指涉嘅概念唔存在或者同主題無關
    (英文) don't have; there is/are not; to not exist; to not be related; in no relationship with
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) mou5ho2nang4
    (英) impossible
    (粵) ngo5mou5si6
    (英) I'm fine / okay / alright.
    (粵) gaau3tong2mou5jan4
    (英) There is nobody in the church.
    (粵) keoi5dei6mou5siu2pang4jau5
    (英) They do not have any children.
    (粵) ni1dou6mou5zo2nei5m4dim6gaa3
    (英) We can't run without you. / It won't work without you.

  3. (廣東話) 未曾或者唔再擁有
    (英文) to not have; to not own; to not possess
    (粵) keoi5mou5saai3cin2laak3
    (英) He doesn't have any money.
    (粵) zou6jan4me1faan4nou5dou1mou5zau6hou2laa3
    (英) It would be great if there were no trouble in our life.
    (粵) ji5wong5sing4nin4neoi5sing3mou5tau4piu3kyun4
    (英) Women used to have no voting right.
    (粵) nei5fan6jan4mou5di1tung4cing4sam1gaa3
    (英) You don't have a bit of sympathy!

反義: 反義:
參看: 唔好
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #2 條
讀音: mou2
詞性: 動詞
  1. (廣東話) 問及現時係咪達到某種狀態或者完成某個動作,用喺問句最後
    (英文) "not" in yes-no questions about the current state or perfective aspect; used at the end of such questions
    (粵) gaa1ming4lai4mou2
    (英) Has Ka-ming arrived?
    (粵) nei5dei6sik6zo2faan6mou2
    (英) Have you eaten? / Have you had your meal?
    (粵) ni1syu3jau5dang1mou2hoi1haa5dang1tai2haa5laa1
    (英) Are there any lights? Turn them on so that we can take a look.
    (粵) nei1go3lookluk1dim6mou2
    (英) Is this look cool?

  2. (廣東話) 喺問句,詞組「好唔好」入面「唔好」嘅縮略
    (英文) contraction of 唔好 (m4 hou2) in the phrase 好唔好 "good or not" in questions
    (粵) ting1ziu1sin1pui4nei5jam2caa4laa1hou2mou2
    (英) I'll go yum cha with you tomorrow morning instead, okay?

版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #3 條
讀音: mou5
詞性: 語句
(廣東話) 喺回應中,表示冇乜嘢、只係小事,平常、輕鬆過對方所設想
(英文) (in responses) it doesn't matter; no big deal; nothing important; nothing worth mentioning
(粵) mou5soeng2man6nei5sik6zo2faan6mei6zaa1maa3
(英) It's okay. I just wanted to ask whether you had eaten.
(粵) mou5tai2haa5ngo5bei2nei5di1je5jung6saai3mei6ze1
(英) It's okay. Just see if the stuff I gave you has been used up.
(粵) mou5aa3mai6jau6hai6gam2gaan2gaan2daan1daan1jau6jat1jat6
(英) Nothing special, same old same old, and then call it a day.
(粵) gam3je6wan2ngo5me1si6mou5aa3ngo5soeng2waa6giu3nei5o1尿niu6ze1
(英) "What are you doing looking for me this late at night?" "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to ask you to pee."
參看: 又點話 好唔閒 好閒
版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0
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