
第 #1 條
讀音: zai2
詞性: 詞綴
  1. (廣東話) 喺名詞之後形容年齡比較細,又或者體積比較細小嘅嘢
    (英文) used after nouns to describe an entity which is small, in terms of either age or size
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 女仔neoi5 zai2
    (英) girl
    (粵) kau3fu2zai2
    (英) mother's brother who is very young
    (粵) maau1zai2
    (英) kitten
    (粵) gau2zai2
    (英) puppy
    (粵) sau2gan1zai2
    (英) handkerchief
    (粵) bui1zai2
    (英) small cup
    (粵) siu1naam5zai2
    (英) small piece of roasted pork belly

  2. (廣東話) 喺量詞之後形容體積細同份量少嘅物件
    (英文) used after classifiers to describe an entity which is small in both size and amount
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) saam1gau6zai2paai4gwat1
    (英) three small pork ribs

  3. (廣東話) 形容年紀唔大、帶有某啲特徵嘅男性
    (英文) used to indicate a young man with certain characteristics
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 肥仔fei4 zai2
    (英) fat guy
    (粵) 四眼仔sei3 ngaan5 zai2
    (英) young man with glasses
    (粵) 番書仔faan1 syu1 zai2
    (英) male teen who is taught in a (Western) foreign language
    (粵) jing1wong2zai2
    (英) boy from King's College

  4. (廣東話) 含有貶義,用嚟一啲唔好,又或者處於劣勢嘅人
    (英文) used to describe somebody who is socially inferior
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 二五仔ji6 ng5 zai2
    (英) turncoat; renegade; betrayer
    (粵) caak6zai2
    (英) robber; flatterer
    (粵) 賭仔dou2 zai2
    (英) gambler
    (粵) 飛仔fei1 zai2
    (英) gangster
    (粵) 打工仔daa2 gung1 zai2
    (英) wage earner
    (粵) 擦鞋仔caat3 haai4 zai2
    (英) shoeshine boy

  5. (廣東話) 用作暱稱;稱呼某人,以示親近
    (英文) used to call somebody affectionately
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 老婆仔lou5 po4 zai2
    (英) intimate address to one's wife
    (粵) go1zai2
    (英) intimate address to a young man
    (粵) go4go1zai2
    (英) intimate address to a young man
    (粵) sing1zai2
    (英) intimate address used often before to Stephen Chow, Hong Kong's famous comedy actor and director
    (粵) tung4hok6zai2
    (英) intimate address to a classmate
    (粵) lou5gung1zai2ho2m4ho2ji5maai5ni1go3sau2doi2bei2ngo5
    (英) My dearest husband, can you buy me this handbag?

  6. (廣東話) 柔化語氣,通常令到某樣嘢更加細路,或者更加天真
    (英文) to soften the tone; often added to make the something more child-like or more innocent
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 故仔gu2 zai2
    (英) story (told to kids)
    (粵) 煮飯仔zyu2 faan6 zai2
    (英) to cook (make-pretend or for romance)

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第 #2 條
讀音: zai2
詞性: 名詞
  1. (廣東話) 某人所養育嘅男性(量詞:個/粒)
    (英文) son
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) daai6zai2
    (英) eldest son
    (粵) ngo5go3zai2saam1seoi3laa3
    (英) My son is 3 years old.

  2. (廣東話) 男朋友;交往緊嘅男性對象(量詞:條)
    (英文) boyfriend
    (粵) bin1go3hai6nei5tiu4zai2
    (英) Who's your boyfriend?
    (粵) hai6mai6soeng2zou6ngo5tiu4zai2aa3
    (英) So you want to be my boyfriend?

  3. (廣東話) (通常後生嘅)男性(量詞:條/隻/班)
    (英文) male (usually young)
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) jau5zai2joek3
    (英) to be dated by a young man
    (粵) gaak3lei4toi2di1neoi2deoi3zyu6deoi3min6di1zai2ping4tau4ban2zuk1
    (英) The girls in the table next to us are commenting on the boys opposite.

近義: 近義: 兒子 男朋友
參看: 子嗣 仔女 阿仔 兒子 男朋友 男友 男性 男子
版權:© 2023 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #3 條
讀音: zai2
詞性: 詞綴
標籤: 潮語
(廣東話) 加喺動詞或者形容詞之後,增加可愛嘅感覺
(英文) to sound cute after verbs or adjectives
(粵) gam1jat6zan1hai6hoi1sam1zai2
(英) Today I am so happy!
(粵) zou6ji6gung1zan1hai6hou2hou2waan2hei1mong6daai6gaa1jat1cai4caam1jyu5zai2
(英) Being a volunteer is really fun. Hope everyone will join.
(粵) zing2can1aa4jam1gung1zai2lo3
(英) You've got hurt? Poor you.
版權:© 2018 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0
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