eng:to repeat an action or a choice
yue:最近嗰間公司又翻兜佢以前啲飲品包裝喇。 (zeoi3 gan6 go2 gaan1 gung1 si1 jau6 faan1 dau1 keoi5 ji5 cin4 di1 jam2 ban2 baau1 zong1 laa3.)
eng:These days the company is adopting the old packaging of their drinks.
yue:今年年終試翻兜出返上年嘅試題。 (gam1 nin2 nin4 zung1 si5 faan1 dau1 ceot1 faan1 soeng6 nin2 ge3 si5 tai4.)
eng:The questions last year appear in the final exam this year.
yue:電視時不時翻兜周星馳啲戲。 (din6 si6 si4 bat1 si4 faan1 dau1 zau1 sing1 ci4 di1 hei3.)
eng:Stephen Chow's movies are broadcast on TV from time to time.
eng:(for ex-lovers) to get back together
yue:咁多年嚟,佢哋都好後悔一時衝動而分手,仲係好掛住對方,好想翻兜。 (gam3 do1 nin4 lai4, keoi5 dei6 dou1 hou2 hau6 fui3 jat1 si4 cung1 dung6 ji4 fan1 sau2, zung6 hai6 hou2 gwaa3 zyu6 deoi3 fong1, hou2 soeng1 faan1 dau1.)
eng:In these years, they have regretted breaking up impulsively; they still miss each other and want to get back together.