「掂 / 𠶧」

第 #1 條
  • dim6
  • 𠶧 dim6
詞性: 形容詞
  1. (廣東話) 滿意冇問題;做得嚟;成功
    (英文) all right; satisfactory; okay; capable; resourceful; competent; successful
    (粵) keoi5hou2dim6gaa3mei6bat1jip6ji5ging1wan2dou2jat1fan6gou1jan4gung1ge3gung1
    (英) He's very capable - he managed to get a well-paid job before graduation.
    (粵) keoi5zou6je5hou2dim6gaa3
    (英) He is a capable person at work.
    (粵) ngo5go3faat3jing4dim6m4dim6aa3
    (英) Does my hair look okay?
    (粵) nei5gam1jat6go3joeng2hou2dim6
    (英) You look great today.
    (粵) keoi5di1jat6man2hou2dim6
    (英) Her Japanese is excellent.
    (粵) di1je5cyun4bou6gaau2dim6saai3
    (英) Everything has been settled.
    (粵) nei5gu2keoi5zou6ni1fan6gung1dim6m4dim6aa1naa4
    (英) Do you think he's up to this job?
    (粵) keoi5ge3biu2jin6zan1hai6hou2m4dim6
    (英) Her performance was simply terrible.

  2. (廣東話) 表示完成咗一件事
    (英文) to mark the finishing point of a task
    (粵) daan1casekei1 si2ngo5gaau2dim6zo2gaa3laak3
    (英) I have finished this case.
    (粵) ngo5zing2maai4ni1jat1fat1zau6dim6saai3laa3
    (英) It will be completed once I finished this part.

  3. (廣東話) 喺某啲詞語、短語通「」、「
    (英文) to mean "straight" in some words and phrases
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 橫掂waang4 dim6
    (英) either way; in any case; anyway; literally: horizontally and vertically
    (粵) 橫睇掂睇waang4 tai2 dim6 tai2
    (英) no matter how you look; no matter from which angle you look; literally: horizontally look vertically look
    (粵) 橫死掂死waang4 sei2 dim6 sei2
    (英) it doesn't make any difference in the result either way i.e. neither option is good; literally: horizontal die vertical die
    (粵) 掂行掂過dim6 haang4 dim6 gwo3
    (英) to walk and pass straight as if nothing happened or one did not see; literally: straight walk straight pass
    (粵) 掂過碌蔗dim6 gwo3 luk6 ze3
    (英) really good; literally: straighter than sugar cane
    (粵) 阿駝賣蝦米──大家都唔掂
    (英) all of them are not good

近義: 近義: 掂檔
參看: 冇事 算係噉 不周 美滿 良好 冇研究 好啦 ok 本事 能幹 把炮
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