yue:#鹽 嘅#味道
eng:salty (taste)
yue:啲湯咁鹹嘅?你落咗幾多鹽呀? (di1 tong1 gam3 haam4 ge3? nei5 lok6 zo2 gei2 do1 jim4 aa3?)
eng:Why is the soup so salty? How much salt did you add?
yue:#鹹濕 嘅簡稱,形容事物有色情、#黃色 成份,通常放喺單字名詞前
eng:(often used before a monosyllabic noun) with sexual or pornographic content
yue:#鹹碟 (haam4 dip2)
eng:pornographic video disc
yue:#鹹帶 (haam4 daai2)
eng:pornographic video disc
yue:#鹹書 (haam4 syu1)
eng:pornographic book
yue:#鹹網 (haam4 mong5)
eng:pornographic website
yue:#鹹片 (haam4 pin2)
eng:pornographic film
yue:#鹹故 (haam4 gu2)
eng:erotic story
yue:佢覺得條片唔夠鹹,唔過癮。 (keoi5 gok3 dak1 tiu4 pin2 m4 gau3 haam4, m4 gwo3 jan5.)
eng:He thinks that the porn is not quite erotic and not enjoyable enough.