eng:to practise Tai Chi movements
yue:阿公朝朝都喺公園耍太極。 (aa3 gung1 ziu1 ziu1 dou1 hai2 gung1 jyun2 saa2 taai3 gik6.)
eng:Grandpa goes to the park every day to practise Tai Chi movements there.
eng:to play a game of evasion instead of giving a definite answer or taking positive actions; to prevaricate; to avoid the issue; to delay
yue:啲官淨係識耍太極,唔好咁大期望呀。 (di1 gun1 zing6 hai6 sik1 saa2 taai3 gik6, m4 hou2 gam3 daai6 kei4 mong6 aa3.)
eng:The officials only know how to prevaricate. Don't expect too much.