eng:to move a bit
yue:褪膊 (tan3 bok3)
eng:take off clothes, show shoulders
yue:你可唔可以褪前啲啊? (nei5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 tan3 cin4 di1 aa3)
eng:Can you move a bit forward?
yue:將枱好似歪咗,褪返過少少拍齊佢啦。 (zoeng1 toi2 hou2 ci5 me2 zo2, tan3 faan1 gwo3 siu2 siu2 paak3 cai4 keoi5 laa1.)
eng:The table seems to be misaligned. Let's move a bit to align that.
eng:to delay; to postpone
yue:原本上年十一月搞嘅畢業禮,褪到而家先搞到。 (jyun4 bun2 soeng6 nin2 sap6 jat1 jyut6 gaau2 ge3 bat1 jip6 lai5, tan3 dou3 ji4 gaa1 sin1 gaau2 dou2.)
eng:The graduation ceremony, supposed to be held in November last year, got postponed until now.