eng:countryside; open country; field
yue:廣闊嘅田野 (gwong2 fut3 ge3 tin4 je5)
eng:a vast open country
yue:退休之後我想過啲田野生活。 (teoi3 jau1 zi1 hau6 ngo5 soeng2 gwo3 di1 tin4 je5 sang1 wut6.)
eng:I want to spend some time in the field after I retire.
eng:a place where one is working or studying in real situations, away from the school or office
yue:田野考察 (tin4 je5 haau2 caat3)
eng:field study; fieldwork
yue:田野調查 (tin4 je5 diu6 caa4)
eng:field study; field research
yue:人類學家經常喺田野入面觀察同參與;呢樣係佢哋基本嘅研究方法。 (jan4 leoi6 hok6 gaa1 ging1 soeng4 hai2 tin4 je5 jap6 min6 gun1 caat3 tung4 caam1 jyu5 ni1 joeng6 hai6 keoi5 dei6 gei1 bun2 ge3 jin4 gau3 fong1 faat3.)
eng:Observation and participation in the field, which anthropologists often do, is their basic research methodology.