yue:通常形容#食物,被認為係#天然 製造,冇人工#化學 物質成分,種植過程用咗較少農藥
eng:organic (foodstuff, etc)
yue:啲有機菜好貴喎。 (di1 jau5 gei1 coi3 hou2 gwai3 wo3)
eng:The organic vegetables are really expensive.
yue:研究同#碳#化合物 相關嘅學科
eng:organic (chemistry)
yue:佢博士論文係關於有機金屬化學。 (keoi5 bok3 si6 leon6 man4 hai5 gwaan1 jyu1 jau5 gei1 gam1 suk6 faa3 hok6)
eng:His doctoral dissertation is on organometallic chemistry.
eng:possible; likely
yue:你都好有機入呢間大學喎。 (nei5 dou1 hou2 jau5 gei1 jap6 ni1 gaan1 daai6 hok6 wo3.)
eng:It's very likely that you will be admitted into this university.
yue:甲:「你贏唔贏到佢呀?」乙:「都有機嘅。」 (gaap3: nei5 jeng4 m4 jeng4 dou2 keoi5 aa3? jyut6: dou1 jau5 gei1 ge2.)
eng:A: "Can you defeat him?" B: "Potentially, yes."