eng:to take something from one place to another; to move
yue:#搬屋 (bun1 uk1)
eng:to move (place of living)
yue:唔該你將張凳搬去嗰度吖。 (m4 goi1 nei5 zoeng1 zoeng1 dang3 bun1 heoi3 go2 dou6 aa1.)
eng:Could you please move the chair over there?
eng:to move (to another place for living or for work)
yue:我哋啱啱搬入嚟㗎咋。 (ngo5 dei6 ngaam1 ngaam1 bun1 jap6 lai4 gaa3 zaa3.)
eng:We've just moved in.
eng:to adjust
yue:呢套節目收視麻麻,電視台索性將佢搬去星期六深夜播。 (ni1 tou3 zit3 muk6 sau1 si6 maa4 maa4, din6 si6 toi4 sok3 sing3 zoeng1 keoi5 bun1 heoi3 sing1 kei4 luk6 sam1 je5 bo3.)
eng:The progamme is rather unpopular, so the television station decides to make it on air on Saturday midnight instead.
yue:引伸成#套用 喺第度
eng:figuratively: to apply or implement something in another place
yue:某啲新移民無視香港嘅生活方式,將佢哋嗰套照搬嚟香港用。 (mau5 di1 san1 ji4 man4 mou5 si6 hoeng1 gong2 ge3 sang1 wut6 fong1 sik1, zoeng1 keoi5 dei6 go2 tou3 ziu3 bun1 lei4 hoeng1 gong2 jung6.)
eng:Some new immigrants ignore the lifestyle of Hong Kong, and simply maintain theirs instead.