
第 #1 條
讀音: caap3 seoi2
詞性: 動詞
  1. (廣東話) 由高處一躍而下,垂直跳入水中;多指跳水運動員嘅動作
    (英文) to dive into water from the springboard
    (粵) hou2waan2m4waan2hok6jan4waan2caap3seoi2hou2ngai4him2gaa3ceoi4si4caap3dou3ci4dai2zing2soeng1zi6gei2gaa3
    (英) There are lots of other things you could do other than diving from the springboard! It's dangerous! You could have plunged all the way to the pool bed and hurt yourself.

  2. (廣東話) 情況急轉直下;多指數據(例如股價、業績)急跌
    (英文) to worsen rapidly; usually refers to figures (e.g. stock price, business performance) in a free fall
    (粵) jau6waa6zung1gwok3zing3fu2gam1ziu1wui5jap6gu2gau3si5ge2ngo5zek39413gau2 sei3 jat1 saam1gam1jat6jau4loeng5man1jat1haa5caap3seoi2caap3dou3lok6ng5hou4aa3jam1gung1
    (英) Didn't they say China would support the stock market? My 9413 shares dropped from $2 to $0.5 today!

  3. (廣東話) 假摔;不犯自倒;原指喺球類運動裏面,球員假扮俾對手侵犯而故意自行跌低,嘗試瞞騙球證,搏取有利自己隊嘅判決;引申指假扮被害以搏取利益
    (英文) to dive to the ground and feign an injury, in order to mislead the referee into thinking that the other team has committed a foul in a ball game; also refers to the act of gaining (unfair) advantage by playing the victim card
    (粵) nei5baan6gau3mei6aa3dou1mou5jan4dim3gwo3nei5nei5m4hou2zi6gei2puk1gaai1caap3seoi2bok3tung4cing4sin1dak1gaa2
    (英) Are you done with your acting yet? No one touched you at all. How could you dive to the ground yourself and pretend to be the victim?

參看: 出言不遜 打茅波 損手爛腳 收咧 收水 江河日下 爆咪 爆格 爆響口 跌低 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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