
第 #1 條
讀音: pou5
詞性: 動詞
  1. (廣東話) 用手臂內側圍住,貼近手臂,可以係將佢拉近胸膛,亦可以係舉起佢
    (英文) to hold or to carry in the arms, either towards the breast (to embrace; to hug) or lifting
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 懷抱waai4 pou5
    (英) bosom
    (粵) 擁抱jung2 pou5
    (英) to hug; to embrace
    (粵) gan2pou5
    (英) to embrace tightly
    (粵) keoi5pou5zyu6go3neoi2mong6zyu6keoi5fan3
    (英) He is holding his daughter in his arms, watching her fall asleep.
    (粵) aa3ciu1hoi1sam1dou3pou5hei2keoi5neoi5pang4jau5
    (英) A-Chiu is so delighted that he lifts his girlfriend up when hugging her.

  2. (廣東話) 環繞圍繞
    (英文) to surround
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) pou5saan1waan4hoi2
    (英) to surround the mountains and face the sea
    (粵) dung1pou5hoi2gong2西sai1mong6saan1mak6
    (英) surrounded by a harbour on the east, facing the mountain ridge on the west.
    (粵) ngan4kwong3waan1zo2pou5ping4zau1jau6jan4coeng4zau1
    (英) Of Silvermine Bay, lies Peng Chau on the left and Cheung Chau on the right.

  3. (廣東話) 有直系後代,多數指或者輩份再細啲嘅直系後代
    (英文) to have an immediate offspring, mostly a grandchild or that of any further generations
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 三年抱兩saam1 nin4 pou5 loeng5
    (英) to give birth to two kids within three years
    (粵) gung1hei2wong4taai2sak1dou1pou5maai4zan1hai6hou2fuk1hei3lo3
    (英) Congratulations Mrs. Wong! You are going to be a great-grandma, how blessed you are.

  4. (廣東話) (心入面)處於某個狀態、存有某種感覺;#抱住;#抱持(後面嘅名詞通常會有修飾)
    (英文) to be in a (mental) state; to have certain feeling (the noun afterwards is usually modified)
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 抱病pou5 beng6
    (英) to get sick; to fall ill
    (粵) 抱負pou5 fu6
    (英) ambitions; aspiration; mission
    (粵) 抱怨pou5 jyun3
    (英) to grumble; to complain
    (粵) 抱憾pou5 ham6
    (英) to regret; to feel remorse
    (粵) 抱歉pou5 hip3
    (英) sorry; apologetic; regretful
    (粵) ngo5dei6jing1goi1pou5zing3kok3ge3taai3dou6
    (英) We should adopt a correct attitude.
    (粵) zou2zik1deoi3hap6zok3pou5zik1gik6taai3dou6
    (英) The group holds an active attitude towards cooperation.
    (粵) ngo5m4wui5zoi3deoi3nei5pou5jam6ho4seon3jam6
    (英) I won't have any trust in you anymore.
    (粵) keoi5deoi3keoi5zai2neoi2pou5hou2daai6kei4mong6
    (英) He has high expectations for his kids.

參看: 困 環繞
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