eng:to surround; to revolve around
yue:呢條過山車軌圍繞住主題公園個城堡。 (ni1 tiu4 gwo3 saan1 ce1 gwai2 wai4 jiu2 zyu6 zyu2 tai4 gung1 jyun2 go3 sing4 bou2.)
eng:This roller coaster track revolves around the castle of this amusement park.
eng:to revolve around
yue:佢哋嘅話題總係圍繞住學術。 (keoi5 dei6 ge3 waa6 tai4 zung2 hai6 wai4 jiu2 zyu6 hok6 seot6.)
eng:Their conversation revolves around academics。