yue:冇 #打格仔 嘅 #鹹片;香港嘅電影分級制度最高係三級,「四仔」即係比#三級片 更色情、冇通過審查嘅電影(量詞:套/齣)
eng:uncensored pornography; literally a "category four" film ("category three" is the highest classification for adults films in Hong Kong)
yue:喺香港賣四仔係犯法㗎。 (hai2 hoeng1 gong2 maai6 sei3 zai2 hai6 faan6 faat3 gaa3.)
eng:It is illegal to sell uncensored pornography in Hong Kong.
eng:No.4 heroin
yue:喺香港賣四仔係犯法㗎。 (hai2 hoeng1 gong2 maai6 sei3 zai2 hai6 faan6 faat3 gaa3.)
eng:It is illegal to sell heroin in Hong Kong.