eng:could it be; is it possible that; also used to add emphasis to a rhetorical question
yue:佢突然性情大變,唔通佢有病? (keoi5 dat6 jin4 sing3 cing4 daai6 bin3, m4 tung1 keoi5 jau5 beng6?)
eng:He suddenly changes his attitude completely, could he be sick?
yue:點解你可以話走就走㗎?唔通你喺香港土生土長,對香港呢個地方冇感情咩? (dim2 gaai2 nei5 ho2 ji5 waa6 zau2 zau6 zau2 gaa3? m4 tung1 nei5 hai2 hoeng1 gong2 tou2 sang1 tou2 zoeng2, deoi3 hoeng1 gong2 ni1 go3 dei6 fong1 mou5 gam2 cing4 me1?)
eng:How come can you just leave? Born and raised in Hong Kong, don't you have any affection with this place?