
第 #1 條
讀音: me1
詞性: 代詞
  1. (廣東話) 疑問代詞;「乜嘢」嘅合音
    (英文) interrogative pronoun: what, who, when, etc.; contraction of 乜嘢 mat1 je5
    (粵) kei5hai2keoi5gaak3lei4go2go3hai6me1jan4lai4gaa3
    (英) Who's the person standing next to him?
    (粵) nei5tai2m4tai2dou2keoi5ling1gan2me1aa3
    (英) Can you see what he's carrying?
    (粵) nei5zung1ji3keoi5di1me1
    (英) What do you like about him?

  2. (廣東話) 講出數字或文字嗰陣,用以代替唔記得、唔識讀、講唔出嘅數字、文字或者音節
    (英文) used to replace a syllable, a word or a number which the speaker has forgotten or chooses to omit
    (粵) daai6luk6m4hai6giu3keoi5zou6bik1haam4gaa3giu3bui3haak1me1me1gam2gaa3
    (英) In Mainland, people don't call him "bik1 haam4", but use the name bui3-haak1-something-something instead.
    (粵) nei5waa6sei3me1baat3ji6waa2
    (英) You said 4-what-8-2?
    (粵) ngo5jing6dak1keoi5keoi5go3meng2hou2ci5giu3can4me1man4
    (英) I know him - his name is... Chan something-Man.

  3. (廣東話) 當擺喺一個詞前,表示嗰樣嘢印象模糊,記憶需時,又或者不屑提起
    (英文) when placed before a word, indicates that the speaker can hardly remember or is rather unwilling to mention it (perhaps out of disdain)
    (粵) ci4hei1hai6gaan2cing1lai4gaa3cyun4meng2hai6me1haau3jam1ci4hei1dyun1jau6hong1ji4ciu1jyu6zong1sing4sau6gung1jam1hin3sung4hei1pui3tin1hing1sing3hin2wong4hau6aa3
    (英) Empress Ci Hei is just a short-name. Her full title is - oh I nearly forgot – "Empress Haau Jam Ci Hei Dyun Jau Hong Ji Ciu Jyu Zong Sing Sau Gung Jam Hin Sung Hei Pui Tin Hing Sing Hin".
    (粵) keoi5se2zo2bun2syu1giu3me1hau6jin6doi6sam1cang4git3kau3dik1fei1bun2wai6gaai2duk6wo5
    (英) He has written a book, which is called – Yuck! I don't want to mention it - "The Postmodern Construction – An Interpretation beyond Its Framework".

  4. (廣東話) 用嚟代替一啲唔想講出嚟(通常係唔適宜講明,可能係社會禁忌或者令人尷尬嘅)嘅字眼
    (英文) used as a euphemism to substitute something that one is unwilling to say (often something taboo, embarrassing, inappropriate, etc.)
    (粵) nei5tung4keoi5jau5mou5me1dou3aa3
    (英) Did you do it with him?
    (粵) teng1man4can2baak3soeng6go3jyut6jan1wai4fai3ngaam4me1zo2laa3
    (英) I heard that Uncle Chan died last month because of lung cancer.

  5. (廣東話) 全稱疑問詞,意思係「所有」
    (英文) universal quantifier: "every"
    (粵) nei1gaan1pou3gam3sai3me1dou1mou5dak1maai5ge3
    (英) This shop is too small. There's nothing to buy.
    (粵) me1jan4dou1ho2ji5caam1gaa1nei1go3wut6dung6gaa3
    (英) Everyone can join this event.

近義: 近義: 乜嘢 咩嘢
版權:© 2023 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #2 條
讀音: me1
詞性: 助詞
  1. (廣東話) 用嚟構成是非問句,表示疑問、質疑、驚訝,讀起嚟語調短促
    (英文) used to form yes-no questions and to indicate doubt, challenge or surprise; uttered in a short and abrupt manner
    (粵) nei5loeng4sam1gwo3ji3dak1heoi3me1
    (英) Don't you feel any guilt at all?
    (粵) gam2zou6hou2me1
    (英) Is that really a good idea?
    (粵) nei5m4geng1keoi5nau1me1
    (英) Aren't you worried that he may get mad at you?
    (粵) nei5zung1ji3keoi5me1
    (英) You like him?
    (粵) mat1nei5gam1jat6m4sai2faan1hok6me1
    (英) Don't you have to go to school today?
    (粵) mat1nei5m4heoi3me1
    (英) Won't you go?

  2. (廣東話) 用喺反詰問句,帶有否定嘅口氣,會讀成高降調,可以拉長
    (英文) used in rhetorical questions to express negation; uttered with a high-falling tone and could be prolonged
    (粵) ngo5ngaak1nei5jau5zoeng2me1
    (英) Why the hell would I want to lie to you? (literally 'Am I going to get a prize for fooling you?')
    (粵) tung4nei5jau5can1me1ci1dou3gam3maai4
    (英) Hey, we're just friends! Don't get so close. (literally 'Are we family? You get so close!')
    (粵) m4soeng2faan1gung1dou1jiu3faan1gaa2m4使sai2sik6faan6me1ngo5jau6m4hai6ji6sai3zou2
    (英) I don't wanna work, but I still have to. Gotta pay the bills, right? I ain't one of those trust fund babies.
    (粵) nei5dong3ngo5so4ge3me1
    (英) I'm not a freakin' idiot. (literally 'You think I'm silly?')
    (粵) nei5m4tung4keoi5cou4keoi5zau6m4wui5tung4nei5cou4gaa3laa3me1
    (英) Come on. Just because you don't start an argument with her doesn't mean she won't, right?
    (粵) ngai6seot6ngo5sik1tiu4tit3me1
    (英) I don't know jack about art.

版權:© 2023 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #3 條
讀音: me1
詞性: 擬聲詞
(廣東話) 嘅叫聲
(英文) the bleat of a sheep or goat, equivalent to the use of "baa" in English
版權:© 2019 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0
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