
第 #1 條
讀音: jau6
詞性: 副詞
  1. (廣東話) 再次發生
    (英文) again
    (粵) gam1jat6jau6lok6jyu5laa3
    (英) It is raining again.
    (粵) gong2tit3jau6ci4
    (英) Delay in the MTR again?
    (粵) jau6waai6gwo3laa3
    (英) It's broken again.
    (粵) nei5jau6m4gin3ngan4baau1laa4
    (英) You lost your wallet again?

  2. (廣東話) 幾種情況同時存在,通常以「又……又……」嘅句式出現
    (英文) and, a connective for two items in the form 又 jau6 ... 又 jau6 ...
    (粵) keoi5jau6cung1ming4jau6leng3
    (英) She is bright and beautiful.
    (粵) ci3ci3jau5pang4jau5soeng5lai4uk1kei2ngo5dou1maai5hou2do1je5jau6syu4pin2jau6fo2teoi2gam2
    (英) Every time my friends come to my house, I buy lots of food like chips and ham.
    (粵) nei5joeng6joeng6je5dou1hou2hou2jan4jau6nicenais1jau6gwaai1neoi2sam1dei2hou2jau6zyu2dung6bong1jan4daan6hai6ngo5fong3m4dai1ngo5go3exiks6
    (英) I like everything about you. You're nice to people, you're a good girl, you're kind-hearted and like to help others. The problem is, I can't stop thinking about my ex.

  3. (廣東話) (因為見到其他嘢發生、其他人做咗嘅事)
    (英文) (seeing something happens or following what others have done) also; too
    (粵) jan4zou6nei5jau6zou6zing6hai6sik1gan1fung1
    (英) Someone else did it, and then you did the same. You're being a copy cat.
    (粵) ngo5jau6jiu3
    (英) I want to too!
    (粵) tung4nei5gong2jyun4jau6hai6gam2
    (英) We had told you, but you didn't stop doing that.

  4. (廣東話) 用嚟帶出理據,去支持後面嘅建議或者判斷
    (英文) used to bring out the rationale that justifies a piece of advice or judgement
    (粵) jau6mou5sit6dai2ge2
    (英) There's nothing to lose.
    (粵) di1zi2gan1jau6m4使sai2cin2lo2do1di1laa1
    (英) The tissue packs are free anyway; take more of them.

  5. (廣東話) 表示發覺到同預期相對,通常後面同助詞「」(wo3)或者「」一齊用
    (英文) used to suggest that something is contrary to the speaker's expectation, often with the particles (wo3) or (bo3)
    (粵) jau6gei2zeng3wo3
    (英) Not bad!
    (粵) jau6zan1hai6hou2ci5nei5waa6zaai1bo3
    (英) So it was just like what you said.

參看: 一而再,再而三 重複 重新 又試 亦 也 亦都 並 過於
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