eng:a spot gold trading contract, trade in over-the-counter market, literally "London gold". Taking reference of the London spot gold fix, dealers provide bid and ask quotes to clients based on the quotations of other counterparts.
eng:usually refers to schemes which an agent claims to make investments in the gold exchange markets in London, but in fact intends to defraud the investor by taking advantage of the relatively unregulated gold market; often victims end up losing their entire investment
yue:賣倫敦金 (maai6 leon4 deon1 gam1)
eng:to sell London gold; practically: to defraud investors
yue:倫敦金騙案 (leon4 deon1 gam1 pin3 on3)
eng:London gold fraudulent investment
yue:投資咩都好,唔好俾人氹兩氹就投資倫敦金呀。 (tau4 zi1 me1 dou1 hou2, m4 hou2 bei2 jan4 tam3 loeng5 tam3 zau6 tau4 zi1 leon4 deon1 gam1 aa3.)
eng:No matter what you're investing in, never invest in London gold just because someone casually persuaded you.