eng:used after verbs as complements to indicate the successful completion or the result of an action
yue:我收到一封信。 (ngo5 sau1 dou2 jat1 fung1 seon3.)
eng:I've received a letter.
yue:我周圍揾枝筆,但係都揾唔到。 (ngo5 zau1 wai4 wan2 zi1 bat1, daan6 hai6 dou1 wan2 m4 dou2.)
eng:I looked everywhere for the pen, but I couldn't find it.
yue:我乜都聽唔到。 (ngo5 mat1 dou1 teng1 m4 dou2.)
eng:I can't hear anything.
yue:我睇到你。 (ngo5 tai2 dou2 nei5.)
eng:I can see you.
yue:我諗到啲嘢。 (ngo5 nam2 dou2 di1 je5.)
eng:I've thought of something.
yue:我諗到買咩做手信喇。 (ngo5 nam2 dou2 maai5 me1 zou6 sau2 seon3 laa3.)
eng:I've thought of what I should buy for souvenirs.
yue:向#後 或者#反轉
eng:to reverse; to move backwards; to turn upside down; to invert
yue:#打倒褪 (daa2 dou3 tan3)
eng:to go backwards; to worsen
yue:#倒轉 (dou3 zyun3)
eng:to invert; to turn upside down
yue:將#錄影帶、#卡式帶 扭返去前啲、早啲嘅部份
eng:to rewind a cassette or VHS tape
yue:你要將餅帶倒返去最前嗰度。 (nei5 jiu3 zoeng1 beng2 daai2 dou3 faan1 heoi3 zeoi3 cin4 go2 dou6.)
eng:You have to rewind the tape to the beginning.
eng:used after a numeral-classifier(-noun) phrase; approximately; about; around
yue:一百蚊到 (jat1 baak3 man1 dou2)
eng:approximately a hundred dollars
yue:二十個人到 (ji6 sap6 go3 jan4 dou2)
eng:about twenty people
yue:四十歲到 (sei3 sap6 seoi3 dou2)
eng:around forty years old
yue:「我哋個表演幾點開始呀?」「唔知呀,我諗兩點到啦,要睇下前一個表演會唔會超時先知。」 (ngo5 dei6 go3 biu2 jin2 gei2 dim2 hoi1 ci2 aa3? m4 zi1 aa3, ngo5 nam2 loeng5 dim2 dou2 laa1, jiu3 tai2 haa5 cin4 jat1 go3 biu2 jin2 wui5 m4 wui5 ciu1 si4 sin1 zi1.)
eng:"When will the next show begin?" "I don't know. It may begin at about two, depending on whether the previous one runs over time or not."