
第 #1 條
讀音: zyu6
詞性: 詞綴
  1. (廣東話) 放喺動詞之後表示事物持續嘅狀態,多數用於靜態動詞
    (英文) to indicate continuous aspect which goes directly after the verb; used for describing a continuous, non-action state
    (粵) nei5nam2zyu6bat1zo2jip6zou6me1
    (英) What do you plan to do after your graduation?

  2. (廣東話) 表示兩個動作同時進行,「住」放喺第一個動詞後表示持續狀態,後接第二個動詞
    (英文) placed between two verbs to indicate an action happening while in a particular state
    (粵) sik6zyu6dang2laa1
    (英) Wait (for someone) while eating!

  3. (廣東話) 放喺動詞之後表示暫時先做呢件事,後面經常跟「」字
    (英文) placed after the verb to indicate that, for the time being, it should be done first before doing something else; often followed by sin1
    (粵) baai2zyu6hai2dou6sin1
    (英) First, put it here.

  4. (廣東話) 可以,以「動詞+得住」同「動詞+唔住」兩個形式出現
    (英文) can; -able; only in the form of V + 得住 dak1 zyu6 and V+ 唔住 m4 zyu6
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) kau3dak1zyu6
    (英) reliable
    (粵) kau3m4zyu6
    (英) unreliable
    (粵) 做得住zou6 dak1 zyu6
    (英) workable (of a business)
    (粵) 做唔住zou6 m4 zyu6
    (英) not workable (of a business, not making enough profit)
    (粵) 拍得住paak3 dak1 zyu6
    (英) comparable to
    (粵) 對唔住deoi3 m4 zyu6
    (英) unable to face someone without guilt; sorry
    (粵) 對得住deoi3 dak1 zyu6
    (英) to have a clear conscience toward somebody; not to let somebody down; to have nothing to be ashamed of

近義: 近義:
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第 #2 條
讀音: zyu6
詞性: 動詞
  1. (廣東話) 喺一個地方長期居留
    (英文) to live or to settle somewhere long term
    (粵) ngo5zyu6hai2hoeng1gong2
    (英) I live in Hong Kong.
    (粵) ngo5hai2ni1keoi1zyu6zo2ciu1gwo3sap6nin4
    (英) I have lived in this district for over a decade.
    (粵) daai6ou3退teoi3zo2jau1jing1goi1gei2hou2zyu6
    (英) Tai O is probably a nice place to live after retirement.

  2. (廣東話) 喺一個地方歇宿,當成一個臨時嘅屋企一樣生活
    (英文) to stay at a place, treating it as a temporary home
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) zyu6zau2dim3
    (英) to stay at a hotel
    (粵) zyu6jyun2zyu6ji1jyun2
    (英) to stay at hospital
    (粵) nei5gam1ci3heoi3dung1ging1leoi5hang4wui5zyu6bin1gaan1zau2dim3aa3
    (英) Which hotel are you staying at in your trip to Tokyo this time?
    (粵) ngo5uk1kei2zong1sau1ngo5wui5heoi3pang4jau5uk1kei2dou6zyu6zyu6sin1
    (英) My home is going to be renovated; I'll stay at my friend's home in the meantime. (only the first "住" belongs to this usage.)
    (粵) go3fung1ceoi1laan6saai3keoi5uk1kei2di1coeng1keoi5ji4gaa1zaam6si4zyu6hai2lam4si4bei3wu6zung1sam1
    (英) The typhoon shattered all the windows in his home; he is now staying at a temporary shelter.
    (粵) keoi5zyu6zo2seng4go3lai5baai3ji1jyun2gam1jat6zung1jyu1ceot1dak1jyun2
    (英) He has stayed at hospital for a whole week, and will finally be discharged today.

版權:© 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0


第 #3 條
讀音: zyu6 zi6
詞性: 語素
(廣東話) 同否定一齊用,表示暫時唔做一件事
(英文) for now; yet (only used with negation)
(粵) mai5zyu6dang2maai4ngo5sin1
(英) Stop! Wait for me!
(粵) m4hou2dam2zi6ho2nang4jau5jung6
(英) Don't throw it away yet. It may be useful.
(粵) mai5zyu6sin1ni1dou6jau5di1man6tai4
(英) Hold on, there are some problems.
參看: 先 未曾 卻 然而 然 但係
版權:© 2017 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0
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