eng:ugly; unattractive; bad-looking (not limited to human beings)
yue:呢碟餸雖然醜樣啲,但係味道唔錯㗎。 (ni1 dip6 sung3 seoi1 jin4 cau2 joeng2 di1, daan6 hai6 mei6 dou6 m4 co3 gaa3.)
eng:This dish looks unattractive, but it doesn't taste bad.
yue:佢係醜樣啲,不過心地好好㗎。 (keoi5 hai6 cau2 joeng2 di1, bat1 gwo3 sam1 dei2 hou2 hou2 gaa3.)
eng:He might be ugly, but he is a nice person.