eng:to have a decayed tooth; to have dental cavity
yue:你成日都食糖,小心蛀牙呀! (nei5 seng4 jat6 dou1 sik6 tong2, siu2 sam1 zyu3 ngaa4 aa3!)
eng:You are always eating sweets, beware of tooth cavities!
eng:tooth with cavities
yue:佢成日食糖,五歲就有一隻蛀牙! (keoi5 seng4 jat6 sik6 tong2, ng5 seoi3 zau6 jau5 jat1 zek3 zyu3 ngaa4!)
eng:As he eats a lot of sweets, he has a decayed tooth at age five.