yue:任何有#生命 嘅嘢,包括#動物、#植物、#藻、#真菌、#微生物(量詞:隻/種)
eng:living organism; living things; living creatures
yue:史前生物 (si2 cin4 sang1 mat6)
eng:prehistoric life
yue:生物七大特徵 (sang1 mat6 cat1 daai6 dak6 zing1)
eng:seven characteristics of living things
yue:研究生物嘅科目,即係#生物學 科目
eng:biology, the school subject
yue:我中學冇讀生物,淨係讀過化學同物理。 (ngo5 zung1 hok6 mou5 duk6 sang1 mat6, zing6 hai6 duk6 gwo3 faa3 hok6 tung4 mat6 lei5)
eng:I did not take biology in high school—only chemistry and physics.