yue:俾人 #貶 咗去相對差啲嘅職位
eng:to demote; literally: to boil mushroom
yue:佢做錯嘢俾人燉冬菇。 (keoi5 zou6 co3 je5 bei2 jan4 dan6 dung1 gu1.)
eng:She was demoted for making a mistake.
yue:佢因為得罪處長,搞到俾人燉冬菇去沙頭角守水塘。 (keoi5 jan1 wai6 dak1 zeoi6 cyu5 zoeng2, gaau2 dou3 bei2 jan4 dan6 dung1 gu1 heoi3 saa1 tau4 gok3 sau2 seoi2 tong4.)
eng:Since he offended the Commissioner of Police, he was demoted to Sha Tau Kok to "guard the reservoir".