eng:(of cooking methods) to pan-fry
yue:煎蛋 (zin1 daan2)
eng:pan-fried egg
yue:煎餅 (zin1 beng2)
yue:煎魚要用慢火。 (zin1 jyu2 jiu3 jung6 maan6 fo2.)
eng:Use a slow flame to pan-fry fish.
eng:to decoct; to brew by boiling herbs or other materials
yue:煎藥 (zin1 joek6)
eng:to brew medicine from herbs and other dry ingredients
yue:唔同嘅中藥方,煎煮嘅時間係唔同㗎。通常講嘅方法就係以幾多碗水煎成一碗嚟量度嘅。 (m4 tung4 ge3 zung1 joek6 fong1, zin1 zyu2 ge3 si4 gaan3 hai6 m4 tung4 gaa3. tung1 soeng4 gong2 ge3 fong1 faat3 zau6 hai6 ji5 gei2 do1 wun2 seoi2 zin1 seng4 jat1 wun2 lai4 loeng4 dok6 ge2.)
eng:The decoction time is different for different Chinese herbal prescriptions. It's usually expressed by specifying a ratio of bowls of water required initially to bowls of decocted medicine.
eng:to boil
yue:煎茶 (zin1 caa4)
eng:to make tea